DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Yoga Moves for Better Sleep

Yoga Moves for Better Sleep

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

These moves are great to do as soon as you wake up or right before bed, or both! Stretching out the spine can really aid you in a better night’s sleep. The more proficient you get, the longer you can hold the movements and/or increase your range of motion.

Child’s Pose

Child-Pose-200• Start on your knees. While sitting on your heels, reach forward as far as you can keeping a neutral spine (your eyes should be facing the floor). You should feel a deep stretch in your spine.
• Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Downward Facing Dog

Downward-Facing-Dog-250• Great for desk sitters.
• Crouch down and walk your hands out as far as you can while bending at a 90-degree angle at the hip (you should look like a tent). Try to keep your feet flat on the ground.
• Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Wide Legged Forward Fold

block1• In a sumo stance, reach down and touch the ground so that your hands are flat on the floor. Arms should be bent at 90 degrees (keep your legs straight). Use a pillow (or support block if you have one) and rest your head on the pillow/block. This can help relieve tension headaches and allows for more blood flow back to the brain.
• Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.