DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Top 10 Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

Top 10 Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Calcium is needed to build strong bones as well as for muscle contractions. Most people think they can only get calcium through dairy foods, such as milk or yogurt. However, this non-dairy food list can help supply the required serving (about 1000mg) of calcium each day! And don’t forget to eat these top 10 goodies with vitamin D-rich foods to enhance calcium absorption.
1. Wild-caught salmon 3 oz. (canned) = 190 mg; 3 oz. (raw) = 80 mg
2. Spinach ½ cup = 175 mg
3. Amaranth ½ cup = 150 mg
4. Tofu ¼ cup = 125 mg
5. Kale ½ cup = 100 mg
6. Almonds ¼ cup = 95 mg
7. Broccoli, cooked ½ cup = 90 mg
8. Sesame seeds 1 tbsp. = 90 mg
9. Okra ½ cup = 75 mg
10. Beans ½ cup = 50 mg
