Dolce Diet Guest Blog: Reaching Your Goal

Dolce Diet Guest Blog

Almost There, Reaching Your Goal

By Theo Wells IV,
Dolce Diet Guest Blog

I haven’t reached my goal yet.
I’ve sweat more than I can imagine.
I’ve walked through the monstrous grocery aisles, turning my head at what I used to eat and scanning the labels of products with an eagle-like eye that Okays “Organic” xyz and raises mental red flags at ingredients like “natural flavors”.

I’m not where I want to be yet, but I’m damn sure not going back.

I’ve had the up, down, and plateau of weight-loss. Two out of the three suck. Yeah, maybe I get a little blissful with sweets and get damn near reminiscent when I eat a familiar cookie or pastry that I ate as a child, but the memories aren’t worth it. What matters is the future and the present.

Forward progress is the only progress. Who wants to struggle walking up stairs? Who wants to get tired while playing with their child?

Dolce introduced me to a world that I didn’t know of. But that world gave me weight loss and energy, not to mention I feel great. WE all should.
Personally, I feel like people have succumbed to mundane lifestyles that have had detrimental mental and physical effects.
The worst part about this monotony is that you don’t notice at the start, but as time progresses and your stomach slowly curls over your waist, you don’t feel like yourself. You’re young but you don’t feel young.

I wrote this post to encourage everyone of us that hasn’t hit our goals to continue moving forward. We will hit them.

Some of us are closer than we realize. I believe that all of us will reach our goals. And at the end of that long haul, we’ll look back, laugh, have a Breakfast Bowl, maybe even a free-range chicken quesadilla if you’re up for it, and we’ll be what we were meant to become.

About the Author

Theo Wells IV is a member of and author of the blog site, coming soon.
