DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Facts About Breastfeeding

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Facts About Breastfeeding

With the arrival of Miss Victoria Rose Dolce, it only seemed fitting to feature a blog just for new moms! Here are 10 facts about breastfeeding all moms (or soon-to-be moms) should know. All recommendations listed are from the World Health Organization (WHO).
1. Breastfeeding should start within one hour of birth.
2. Breastfeeding should be what is term “on demand,” which means as often as your baby wants to per day and night.
3. Due to unsafe water supply, it is possible to prepare infant formula that may make your baby sick, along with failing to heat the formula to the proper temperature in order to sterilize it. You could also potentially over-dilute the formula, which would lower the nutrient profile. And if you start to formula feed and decrease your breastfeeding, you may not be able to continue to breastfeed since breastfeeding maintains the milk supply.
4. Breast milk is ideal for infants because it contains all the nutrients that they need for healthy growth and development.
5. It also contains antibodies to help protect against infection and illness, including diarrhea and pneumonia.
6. Plus breast milk is affordable, since it’s free!
7. Exclusive breastfeeding is actually a natural method of birth control (98% protection from accidental pregnancy within the first 6 months after birth).
8. It also decreases mother’s risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.
9. Breastfeeding expedites weight loss because oxytocin, the “let-down” reflex that releases the milk, stimulates uterine contractions.
10. Adolescents and adults who were breastfed are at a reduced risk for developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Please note: breastfeeding is not always a possibility in all cases. There has to be a strong connection between infant and mother in order for proper latching. Sometimes that latch just isn’t there. In some cases it is just not possible, and there is nothing wrong with formula feeding in these cases. The inability to breastfeed should not be seen as a failure, but is always a good initial option to try. For help with latching/breastfeeding, contact a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC) in your area.



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