DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 6 Ways to Recover From Surgery Faster

6 Ways to Recover From Surgery Faster

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

There are several reasons you may have to undergo surgery. Some are major procedures, such as open-heart surgery, and some are minor surgeries like wisdom tooth extraction. Regardless of the type, surgery is surgery. A quick recovery is essential to get back to your daily routine. Here are some tips to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible…
Increased Protein Needs
Protein is essential for muscle/tissue repair and synthesis. Protein needs typically increase to about 1.5g per kg of body weight when recovering from surgery. Be sure to up your intake!
Increase Your Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis (rebuilding the collagen matrix in your skin/gum tissues). A lack of Vitamin C causes Scurvy, better known as bleeding gums, due to weak gum tissue. Post-surgery, bump up your normal Vitamin C intake to decrease wound healing time.
Hydration and Electrolytes
Surgery is essentially trauma caused to the body. Your system will be in a temporary state of shock, so it is vital to adequately hydrate with electrolytes to keep your body’s electrical system in balance and prevent further trauma. The electrical pathways of the body are essential for cardiac rhythms/contractions and other metabolic processes. Try infusing water with lemon, chia seeds, pink Himalayan sea salt and honey for a natural electrolyte drink.
Stop Smoking
Smoking causes damage to your vascular system, which may lead to infection to your wounds and cause further wound breakdown.
Keep a Healthy Weight
Being overweight or obese going into surgery puts you at a greater risk for adverse side effects of anesthesia. Your risk of not waking up from surgery increases due to stress on the heart.
If You Have a Chronic Disease, Make Sure It Is Well-Managed
Be sure to follow doctor’s orders regarding cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., as these conditions put you at greater risk for delayed wound healing and complications during surgery. You may be asked to stop taking certain medications during your surgical period as they may interfere with blood clotting. Be sure to speak with your physician about all medications you are currently taking before scheduling a surgery, and that includes the oral surgeon.
