Eat to Grow: Simple Rules For Proper Nutrition for Children

Eat to Grow

Simple Rules For Proper Nutrition for Children

by Samantha Wilkinson, MS, RDN, LD, Dolce Dietitian

The growing years are the most important time for teens and children to properly develop both physically and mentally. It is our responsibility to provide them with nutritious foods and positively influence their health choices by leading by example.  Not only will it help with their body functions, but it can help stave off obesity, diabetes and heart disease, which is a growing problem in children and teens in this country. So make health a family activity! The Dolce-Approved lifestyle isn’t just for adults! Get your kids on board and start living lean together!
Whole-Grain Foods

  • Look for whole-grains with adequate carbohydrates fiber and B-vitamins
    • Carbs for brain fuel
    • Fiber for satiety
    • B-vitamins for energy metabolism
  • Choose foods that list whole grains as the first or second ingredient on the food label
  • Give kids whole-grain crackers for snacks and whole-grain pastas at dinner

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Packed with vitamin A and C, potassium and fiber
    • Vitamin A for eye health/development
    • Vitamin C for healthy tissues/wound healing/immune health
    • Potassium for healthy heart rhythms/contractions
    • Fiber for satiety
  • Fresh is always preferred, but frozen is perfectly acceptable for frozen fruit snacks/smoothies
  • For breakfast, give them fresh fruit on oatmeal, slices of melon with whole-grain toast and/or a glass of orange juice fortified with vitamin A and D
  • For lunch, try crunchy baby carrots or sliced apples as a side
  • For dinner, create some color variety with broccoli, corn, sliced peppers, asparagus or leafy green salad

Low-fat Dairy Foods

  • Contain protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus
    • Protein for muscle growth and repair, healthy hair and nails
    • Calcium for bone health/density
    • Potassium for healthy heart rhythms/contractions
    • Magnesium for energy production and muscle contractions
    • Phosphorus for proper kidney function and filtration of waste products
  • Children and teens should strive for 3 dairy servings per day
  • Try these nutrient-dense dairy snacks
    • Non-fat, Greek yogurt with fruit and honey for breakfast or an after-school snack
    • Fresh mozzarella

Lean Meat/Poultry/Fish/Eggs/Beans/Nuts

  • Packed with protein, iron, zinc and B-vitamins
    • Protein for muscle growth and repair, healthy hair and nails
    • Iron for blood health, hemoglobin formation, muscle function and brain function
    • Zinc for cognitive function, wound healing, and activation of T cells, which control immune responses and attack cancerous/harmful cells
  • Try scrambled eggs at breakfast
  • Test out bite-size pieces of meat/poultry/fish for dinner (grass-fed, free-range, wild-caught)
  • Provide them with trail mix as a snack
