Healthy_FatsWhen people think about nutrition, their first thoughts are usually about calories. In today’s world, common knowledge about a given food stops at the amount of calories in each serving. Since fad diets, pre-set meal plans in the mail, and miracle pills have become the norm of ‘eating right’ in our world, it is rare to see someone looking beyond the first line of the “Nutrition Facts” label on their food packages.
Occasionally, people will check to see if their food is made up mostly of carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. Many of them are often tricked into avoiding fats, because “fat makes you fat,” or they steer clear from carbs for the same reason.

While it is definitely a good idea to avoid starchy, fatty foods like cookies and cake, both of which are high in fats and carbohydrates, that does not mean that fats and carbs are all bad. In fact, these are the main macronutrients which your body uses as building blocks or fuel.

It is always crucial to ask: What kind of carbs, fats, and proteins do we have in a given food? What else is in the food? Are there good fats and bad fats, for example? Of course, the curious and responsible eater looks for the answers to these questions, and eats accordingly.
Typically, protein is treated as always good, but the protein from a fast food cheeseburger or from genetically-modified soybeans is not as good for you as the protein in hemp seeds. Protein doesn’t have to come from the traditional sources; it’s in all sorts of foods. Kale, for example, has plenty of protein in its ridged green leaves. Some types of protein are better for your body than others, and – usually – a good rule of thumb is to stick to whatever is closest to nature.
Fat, too, doesn’t always mean the grease that oozes out of an order of fries. Oil isn’t always bad. Butter and lard, both fats that come from animals, tend to be bad for your body. Artificial substitutes for these, like margarine, often have trans-fats, which are even worse. Yet, your body’s cells are held together by fat, and you need it to function properly. Always be on the lookout for good fats, like coconut oil, which has certain types of saturated fats that your body can use for energy. Chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds all have plenty of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have been shown to improve health in a wide variety of ways.

Carbohydrates aren’t limited to bread and pastries. Healthy foods like quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes are full of carbs. Fruits and vegetables have lots of sugars, the most common form of carbs. Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, and they shouldn’t be avoided, just eaten in moderation.

It is important to remember that when you eat a food, you make sure that its macronutrients come with a full complement of micronutrients, which are things like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are like your engine’s fuel, but it cannot run on that alone. Like a car without motor oil and antifreeze, your body will break down without vitamins and minerals. The best place to find these are in natural foods fresh from the earth.


July 29, 2013



by Mike Dolce
Just the word GOAL invokes a destination.  Whether it be an end zone, a mountain top or a smaller dress size, we all know what a goal should be. The problem I often come across is that people have loose goals.  They kid themselves by pretending to have set a goal, when really they just have a wish.
“I want to lose weight,” is the most common but often goes no further than that statement. When confronted with this person I always ask, “How much exactly? What deadline have you set?? Let me see your action steps to get there.” Very rarely is my first question answered and almost never are my second two even considered.
This is when I switch into COACH MODE and make sure my friend has a clear set plan before walking away.
“I WILL (not want to) lose 40 lbs.”
Now you have a very clear picture of your exact destination.  There is no confusion here.
“I WILL lose 40 lbs. in 120 days.”
Now you have a specific timeline. No more circling the drain, waiting to begin. The clock is now ticking.
“I WILL lose 40 lbs. in 120 days by following these ACTION STEPS.”
ACTION STEP 1 – Read ‘The Dolce Diet: Living Lean’ and create my own lifestyle approach to weight-loss using the principles, recipes and exercise programs that Mike has already laid out, most suited to my own ability, goals and medical background.
ACTION STEP 2 – Be consistent. For the next 120 days (and rest of my life) I will dedicate myself to achieving this goal and hold myself 100% accountable. Regardless of what unexpected trial or tribulation may come up in my life, I will continue on with my goal until I have found success.
ACTION STEP 3- Create a support system. This may be your family, friends, team, coworkers or online community. I have started such a community at MYDolceDiet.com for all of us to support, motivate and inspire each other as we all travel toward our own unique goals. Pro-athletes, bikini models, lawyers, students, moms, law enforcement professionals and many others from all walks of life are members and the community is thriving!
ACTION STEP 4 – Begin TODAY! There is no better time like the present. Don’t push it off until Monday. Start now, as best you can, and continue making improvements the first few days. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t gone grocery shopping yet, or have a trip scheduled. Begin moving toward your goal immediately and constantly work to improve your situation as you go. Start NOW!!!
The Action Steps above are general but apply to each of you. I also instruct my students to sit down at a quiet table with a notebook they have purchased specifically for this project and write down everything. Your goals, a more complete version of these steps with greater detail as it relates to your specific situation, write your daily bodyweight, progress at the gym, frustrations, successes and so on. This book becomes your own training partner, support system, cherished friend and annoying cheerleader reminding you of how far you have come.
Ultimately, you know everything I have said above. I did not break new ground here and that was not my intention. Getting you to be accountable and motivating you to start today was MY goal!  Now it’s time to define your own!


July 27, 2013


Name: Carlos Cascos
Age: 24
Starting Weight: 191
Current Weight: 140
Which Dolce Diet books helped you on your journey? Living Lean, Living Lean Cookbook, 3 Weeks to Shredded.
TELL US YOUR STORY! I started attending the University Of Nevada Reno fall 2007. I remember it was the first taste of freedom from my parents and I was ready to experience college. My parents helped me move into my dorm room and we said our goodbyes. Looking back at this moment I knew that I was not ready to attend college. I did not have a focus or goal on what I wanted to do with my life and like many other college students I turned to partying which of course led to a lot of binge drinking. My first semester in college I drank almost every day and ate most of my meals in the dining hall . The dining hall basically consisted of pizza, burgers, sandwiches and more junk food. Most of my friends and peers ate all of the food and I never thought anything of it at the time. I found myself three years later weighing in at 191 pounds and I am only 5’7″.
My GPA was in the gutter at only a 1.9. My binge drinking was out of control because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and I was running away from what I could not fix. I fell into a slight depression and, like many other people, I used food for comfort.
Some nights I would drive through Jack in the Box and then drive next door to get some Taco Bell as well. After a night of partying my junior year I woke up one morning out of a blackout and couldn’t stop puking. My whole body was numb and I was sweating like crazy and vomiting uncontrollably. At this point in my life I told myself that day that I wanted to change, and I couldn’t do this anymore. I was upset at myself that I was basically ready to drop out of college, and I felt like a failure that day.
I woke up the next day and decided that this was going to be the start of something new. I started listening to the Joe Rogan podcast at this time and that’s when I heard Mike Dolce come onto the podcast. From that day forward I bought Living Lean and 3 Weeks to Shredded.
When the first weekend came around my friends brought home a case of beer like usual and asked me if I was ready to drink. I remember telling them that I was good on drinking for the night. For the next 8 months of my life I received huge amounts of peer pressure, it was unbelievable. People would make fun at me because I was on a diet and no one around me really understood.
To stay busy and focused I began training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and this changed my life forever. My goals became more strict, and I couldn’t have been happier. Eventually, I started to become really motivated when I started to see some changes in my body. At one point I had to go to the DMV recently and get a new picture because people didn’t think it was my license. This really had me motivated, and nothing was going to stop me.
If there is any advice I can give anyone it’s that you have to make the decision for yourself. You are going to encounter many obstacles and a lot of peer pressure but that is all part of the journey. Like Mike says, you have to stay accountable. If you are just starting your college career be very careful of who your friends are. There is nothing wrong with partying but everything in moderation is key. Be careful of all the food around you and follow the principles. You can be on The Dolce Diet and still have a blast throughout college.
I am proud to say that ended up graduating just recently from the university with a degree in General Studies. I barely squeezed by school, and I never really found my passion until now. I can honestly say that diet and lifestyle are my passions now, and I love helping others out with the knowledge I have obtained from Living Lean and the Mike Dolce podcast. This is the story of my journey. I now weigh 145 pounds, went from a size 36 to a size 30. I feel stronger than ever, and I cant wait to push myself ever further.
Thank you so much guys! You have changed my life forever, and I finally know what I want to do with my life: Help others through nutrition and guidance, and change their lives forever physically and mentally.
~Carlos Cascos

July 26, 2013


Mike Dolce answers your questions. Topics include loose skin, preparing for military basic training, grip strength and more!
The founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves, Chael Sonnen, Quinton Jackson, Nik Lentz, Jake Ellenberger and more! His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean, & The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook.
For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit TheDolceDiet.com & TheMikeDolceShow.com & UFCFIT.com.

July 25, 2013


-2 avocados, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
-2 limes, juiced
-1/2 red onion, minced
-1 small watermelon, seeded and cut into 1-inch cubes
-2 Tbs of extra virgin olive oil
-1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
Dash of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt & pepper
Put avocado cubes in large bowl. Squeeze lime juice over avocado. Add in watermelon, cilantro and onion. Drizzle with olive oil. Add salt and pepper and carefully toss. Refrigerate about 30 minutes and serve!

June 30, 2013