Mike rants on separating yourself from the drunken, bar-fly herd and he answers your questions! Topics include: How to put your dog on The Dolce Diet; Dolce-approved desserts; why drinking tons of water aids in weight loss; should you eat before or after morning training; how Mike structures his daily workouts and meals, and more!
The founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves, Chael Sonnen, Quinton Jackson, Nik Lentz, Jake Ellenberger and more! His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean, & The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook.
For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit & &


August 23, 2013


Mike “Quicksand” Pyle weighed in at 170 lbs. for UFC Fight Night 26. Pyle once again worked with coach Mike Dolce, utilizing The Dolce Diet founder’s unparalleled methods for weight management and strength and conditioning.
Pyle will take on fellow welterweight Matt “The Immortal” Brown on Saturday, Aug. 17.
Visit for more details.


August 16, 2013

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 5 Common Teas Reveal Their Healing Secrets

by Aaron Fried
Dolce Diet Staff Writer

Tea has been used for health and healing since ancient times. Now, knowledge of the benefits of those little leaves has spread across the world. There are over 3,000 types of teas, all of which have their own unique appeal. Here are 5 of the most common, along with their lesser known health benefits.

numi tea

1. Black Tea

This is the most common type of tea in the Western world. If you’re not a coffee drinker, or want to quit coffee, black tea might be a good substitute since it has the highest caffeine content of any tea. In fact, it is widely known as Breakfast Tea. It may also protect lungs from smoke and pollution damage and potentially lower the risk of stroke.


2. Green Tea

Mike Dolce – and much of the medical community – love green tea … and for good reason! It has been shown to lower the risk of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, help in weight loss through thermogenesis, assist in fighting certain cancers, and reduce stress on the brain, along with several other benefits.

3. White Tea

This is the least processed variety of tea, and there are studies which suggest that it has the strongest anti-cancer properties of any tea. It can also fight bacterial infections.

4. Oolong Tea

Though one of the less common types of tea in America, studies suggest that oolong tea can help to lower cholesterol. Rich in powerful antioxidants, oolong tea also can help remove harmful toxins from our bodies.

bedtime tea yogi
5. Nighttime herbal teas

If you have trouble falling asleep or just want some help letting go of the day’s stress, try a tea containing chamomile or valerian root, both popular herbal ingredients in nighttime teas. Valerian root has sedative and anxiety-reducing effects while chamomile not only helps produce a relaxed state, but it can also help knock out colds and ease menstrual cramps.


August 13, 2013

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Letting Go Of The 'What-ifs'

by Shantanee
As I sit here at on a bench in the gym, awaiting BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for anyone who isn’t aware) to start, I’m yet again pondering my life, and what exactly I want from it.
I’ve become so enthralled with Jiu Jitsu, it has recently invaded my dreams. So much so, I woke up this morning clenching my wrist. It may just be the only healthy obsession I’ve ever had. Aside from contemplating whatever maneuver-of-the-day I’m being taught, I spend just as much time wondering “What If?”
What if I had started sooner?  What if someone had pushed me this direction? Where would my life be then? What if I was taught better choices? What if? What  if? What if?!
Once this starts, I shake my head so rapidly it’s dizzying. My focus isn’t swayed one bit, and I know what I’m supposed to do, but I find it hard to not question what could’ve been.
Without a doubt as time passes, the objective certainly changes and the goals are rearranged. Does that mean that settling is going on?  Great. Another question thrown in with the many others that swirl around in my head, to go along with the kittens, rainbows, and princesses! (A little podcast humor, heh.)  
I spend so much time in the past, my present suffers. I’m learning to let go of the “What-ifs” and focus on the fact that I’m doing what’s necessary to avoid any “What-ifs” in the future.
It’s quite a daunting task, but who knows? Maybe, just maybe, I’ll make something of myself and have something to be proud of! I’ve accomplished so many small personal goals these past two years I didn’t even think were possible. Here’s to many more! Maybe even some big ones as well!  Now if you don’t excuse me, I gotta see a man about an arm bar! 😉
Shantanee is a member of, a health advocate, and all-around great person! We often post her writing here for its realism and ability to inspire others on their own journeys to Living Lean.


August 11, 2013

GUEST BLOG: Food, Not Torture, Is The Answer to Weight Loss

by Todd Harwood
I am not sure if I have just become more aware or the amount of people willing to torture and destroy their bodies and minds to lose weight is greatly increasing.
A female acquaintance of my wife had the surgery that straps off your stomach and only allows you to eat a certain amount of food a day. She is in her early 20’s and is clinically obese.
She has been struggling greatly. She can eat so little food she literally started to die. Not from not eating but from not getting ANY NUTRIENTS from the amount of food she can eat. She has been rushed to the hospital on many occasions and has also passed out while out and about in public. The doctors now have her on liquid vitamins and minerals, especially iron. This is to keep her body from eating itself to survive. Does any rational human being think that the complicated system that is our body, can survive with little or no nutrients?
Just this week I heard a commercial for an “all natural” drink you can take. This drink that they call, “Gastric Fill Technology” expands 50% in your stomach, forcing you to eat 75% less food. So what exactly is your body running on?
I know many people are desperate to lose weight. Take a very short moment, use some logic. In order for your body to function at even a standard level, you must put fuel into it. Even if the fuel you put in it is not “healthy”, it will at least run at some level. If you deprive your body of fuel, it starts to revolt. Headaches come, the body feels lethargic and fatigued, the body begins to shut down. These are very clear signals, it is up to you to take heed and do something about it. The body is screaming for you to put fuel into it so it can move you around, help you think, react, Live!
Really? Is this what we have come to? Are we (humans) that weak, that lazy, that we have to reconfigure the way our body was naturally formed and naturally functions because we want something and we want it NOW!?
Taking personal responsibility and eating what the earth has given us to subsist on, this is not as hard to do as the snake oil salesmen tell you it is.
In my experience (over 2 years Living Lean now) The Dolce Diet principles of Living Lean is the fastest and most effective way to shed weight. Hold on, not just shed weight but fuel your body. Yes you shed weight and shed it fast, and all this happens as you are blasting yourself with Earth Grown Nutrients. Fueling your body to not just function at a standard level but at the bodies optimal level.
Short cuts, pill, potions, drinks and messing with nature always come with a very heavy price, and the bill always comes due. There is absolutely no reason to torture, starve or mutilate your innards to lose weight. Take responsibility for yourself, the information is here, the nutrients are out there, now get up off that divot you have made in the couch and start Living Lean. You will thank yourself. I have.
dolce-diet-icon-100Todd Hardwood is a member of He frequently blogs about his journey to health & wellness. We appreciate his wit, honesty and passion for helping and inspiring others on their own paths to self-discovery.


August 11, 2013


“These workouts are fierce, fun, complicated, and provoking.” ~Tita Suicide

Last month I decided to shake things up a bit, and took on the UFC Fit challenge. The complete UFC Fit program contains:

-12 DVDs
-12 week fitness tracker
-Lifestyle and Nutrition Guide
-Plus an alternate “3 Day Shred” program

Broken up into four, three week segments, the program is developed to help you shed body fat, lower your weight, and improve muscle tone and cardio conditioning.
It accomplishes this by mentoring you through one to two 45 minute routines per day, with host Mike Dolce, a renowned mixed martial arts trainer.
I have really enjoyed Mike’s firm but encouraging coaching style.
He alternates between demonstrating the exercises, explaining them in detail, and suggesting alternatives based on your level of fitness. The result is an visual/audio, and technical guideline on each and every exercise in the routine.
Additionally, you’re encouraged to clean up your diet with a list of suggested groceries and recipes from The Dolce Diet. This diet offer a fresh take on “clean eating”, and can easily be included in every kind of lifestyle – from Vegan, to vegetarian, to paleo. As with all things, take what you like, and leave the rest! For me, I tried the smoothie recipe, and enjoyed some super rad turkey burgers.
Your work out schedule is presented on a calendar, leaving you free to simply get dressed, pop in a DVD and go.
Honestly – this was one of my favourite things about the UFC Fit system, since after months of planning and creating my own work outs, it left me to simply show up and get down to business.
After 3 weeks, I am still totally in love with this program.

Granted, it is a BIG commitment. If you are at all squeamish about expectations, you may find this program overwhelming. As I said before, it’s important to make things fun, and find ways to include fitness in your life, that you can enjoy and benefit from. Most people can’t swing one without the other, at least not in the long term.

The routines are complex and quite advanced, and though they do include simplified and low impact versions of the exercises, it is still one hell of a work out! My suggestion is to watch one of the routines before deciding to commit to the full calendar. Alternately, you could always begin by adding one or more of the work outs to your regular schedule, and use it as a cross training tool. Rather than take on the full calendar. Totally your choice.
After all, the most important choice of all, is to commit to fitness.
Last but not least, there are some crazy ninja moves thrown in for good measure, which definitely challenged ALL of my energy systems at once. Completely demanding in every way – these work outs are fierce, fun, complicated, and provoking.
Trust me. This stuff is legit!

UFC FIT Instagram
UFC FIT Twitter
Originally posted at by Tita Suicide.
Follow her on Twitter: @Cupcakedujour


August 10, 2013