top 5 meals for fat loss

Top 5 Meals for Fat Loss

Struggling with your fat loss journey? Don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone. 

In this blog post, we’re going to dig deep into the world of fat loss, debunk some common misconceptions, and give you a practical solution that can really make a difference.

Whether you’re on a mission to shed those extra pounds, tone up, or just live a healthy life, this blog post is here to guide you. 

I’ll help you understand your relationship with food and take that first step towards your fitness goals. And hey, by the end of this post, I’ve got a little bonus for you – a free resource! 

You’ll discover my top five favorite “can’t-believe-it’s-a-diet” fat loss dinners. Trust me, nobody will ever think you’re on a diet. 

Let’s get started!

The Mental Barriers in Your Fat Loss Journey 

In a world where misconceptions about food often hold us back, it’s time to change our mindset. 

You don’t have to give up enjoyable meals to achieve fat loss! Trust me, it’s possible to savor delicious dishes while shedding those extra pounds.

But before we dive into the secrets of these mouthwatering and nutritious meals, let’s address the mental barriers that might be holding you back. 

We’re constantly bombarded with misleading information from all directions – parents, teachers, friends, and even the media. 

It’s so easy to get caught up in the misconception that a healthy eating plan means giving up all the good stuff. Let’s bust that myth once and for all!

Here’s the truth: your relationship with food can actually be the key to unlocking your fat loss potential. 

So, it’s high time we challenge those misconceptions together. I’m here every step of the way to guide you through it.

Now, you must be wondering how you can achieve fat loss while still enjoying your meals, right? 

Well, here’s the secret…

Embrace Food Freedom

One of the most common misconceptions is that following a strict diet means sacrificing the joy of eating.

Many believe that they need flexibility in their meal plan to enjoy what they want and still lose weight. But let me ask you this: how’s that working out for you?

Take a moment to reflect. Are you stuck in a cycle of eating the same meals day after day, with little variation? 

Let’s be real… Most of us have our go-to breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. 

Even when dining out, we often stick to the same restaurant and order the same dishes because it’s comfortable and predictable.

But what if I told you there’s a better way? 

Consistency in Meal Choices

Ever noticed how we often end up eating the same two or three meals all the time? 

It’s a common trend, and research confirms it. We find comfort in routine and familiarity with our food choices.

But guess what? What if I told you there’s a way to break free from this routine, enjoy a variety of delicious meals, and still achieve your fat loss goals? 

Exciting, right? Let’s explore this together!

At this point, you might be curious about the practical steps to implement these insights. 

I laid out everything you’ll need in the video below:

Watch the video now and take the next step towards success in your fitness journey.

Now back to the free resource I promised you earlier…

Free Resource: Your Key to Delicious Fat Loss Meals

I’ve compiled these top five meals for fat loss into a free resource for you. 

It’s time to expand your meal choices and enjoy your food while working towards your fitness goals. 

Download the resource below and get access to these delicious recipes that will not only help you shed those extra pounds but also fuel your body for a healthier you.

Before you go, remember this…

It’s not just about what you eat, but how you think about food. 

With the right mindset and practical guidance, you can achieve incredible results. 

Watch the video, download the free resource, and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Your path to fat loss success starts today.

Here’s to your journey towards a fitter, healthier you!

As always, if you found this post helpful, share it with anyone you know would need it.


Mike Dolce

November 8, 2023
Top 4 Muscle Building Tips for Optimal Health and Performance

Top 4 Muscle Building Tips for Optimal Health and Performance

Top 4 Muscle Building Tips for Optimal Health and Performance

Gains, baby, struggle no more. Here are my top four tips to building bigger muscles. 

What’s up, everybody? Mike Dolce, four-time world MMA trainer of the year and number one best-selling author. Welcome to episode one of the Dolce Diet’s new series, Your Blueprint for Optimal Health and Performance. Before we start, I have a great resource to share with you. My top five muscle-building recipes are guaranteed to add slabs of muscle tissue to your frame.

Be sure to stay to the end, where I tell you exactly how you can get this free meal plan to totally take your muscle gains to the next level. Did I say it’s free?

Ready? Let’s get to the tips….

Tip # 1: The importance of protein intake.

One of the most crucial factors for muscle building is your protein intake. Did you know that insufficient protein can lead to muscle atrophy and impaired function? When you lift weights, you’re actually creating tiny tears in your muscle fibers. These tears are what your body repairs and rebuilds to form bigger, stronger muscles. Here’s what you need to remember about protein.

Aim to consume 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Always go for high-quality protein sources like lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and even some dairy products. Distribute your protein intake evenly throughout the day to keep your muscles fueled and maximize muscle protein synthesis.

Tip # 2: The role of resistance training in muscle building.

Resistance training is your best friend when it comes to building muscle. Whether it’s weightlifting at the gym or bodyweight exercises at home, the goal is to make your muscles work against an increasingly heavier load. This is what stimulates muscle growth.

Key points for effective resistance training include adding a wide variety of exercises that target all major muscle groups. Progressively increase the weights you’re lifting at all times with perfect form. Focus on compound exercises like squats, and deadlifts that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Tip # 3: How to optimize recovery for muscle growth. 

Training and nutrition are only parts of the equation. Recovery is just as critical, your muscle fibers need time to repair and get stronger post-workout. To optimize your recovery, here’s what you should do. Aim for seven and a half to nine hours of high-quality sleep every single night.

Keep your diet balanced and rich in essential nutrients from whole food sources. Make sure you’re eating enough calories instead of being in a calorie deficit, which can hinder muscle growth. Keep stress at bay. Exercise, meditation, or simply spending time in nature has been proven to reduce total stress.

Tip # 4: Common mistakes to avoid when trying to build muscle.

Now, it’s easy to fall off track when chasing muscle gains or girls, right? Here are some pitfalls you should avoid. 

  • Don’t skimp on protein. 
  • Don’t ignore certain muscle groups during resistance training. 
  • Don’t stick to the same weight and not challenge yourself.
  • Don’t neglect sleep. 

Watch the video below and learn my Top 4 Muscle Building Tips for Optimal Health and Performance outlined above.

Now, if you’ve gotten this far you definitely deserve a copy of my free Top 5 Muscle Building Recipes. All you need to do is click the link below and download that menu. You are absolutely going to love these recipes. They’re easy to make. They’re totally affordable and they will help you build muscle slabs and slabs of muscle.


Building muscle isn’t an overnight feat. It does require time, consistency, and a well-rounded approach. But with the tips I’ve shared today, you are on your way to creating a solid muscle-building plan that you will see results every time you go to the gym. And every time you look in the mirror, you’ll keep getting bigger and stronger.

If you found this video helpful, be sure to give it a thumbs up. Don’t forget to subscribe for more videos like this on health, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle, and let me know in the comments what you think of this video. If you have any questions and what other topics you want to hear, remember this is video number one in a new series.

Make sure you check back every Wednesday for brand-new videos.. Until next time, don’t count calories, make calories count.


Mike Dolce

November 1, 2023
5 Signs Of Dehydration You Need To Know (And What To Do)

5 Signs Of Dehydration You Need To Know (And What To Do)

5 Signs Of Dehydration You Need To Know (And What To Do)

Did you know your body can give subtle signs of thirst before you actually feel it? These overlooked hints are signs of dehydration, which we’ll explore in today’s blog post.

Dehydration might not always be at the forefront of your mind, but understanding the signs and acting on them can make a significant difference in your health. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the 5 signs of dehydration. By the end, you’ll get a free resource to help you recognize these signs, take action, and maintain proper hydration.

Ready? Let’s start with the basics… 

Understanding Dehydration Signs & Symptoms

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in.

We already know that water is vital for various bodily functions, from regulating temperature to aiding digestion. But what happens when you don’t get enough water?

Your body slowly loses its ability to perform at its best, and this can have serious negative consequences for your health.

Those consequences are basically the signs and symptoms of dehydration.

And here are the 5 key signs & symptoms you need to know…

1. Bad Breath

One of the earliest signs of dehydration is bad breath. (Surprising, isn’t it?) 

When you don’t drink enough water, your body doesn’t produce sufficient saliva, which can lead to bacterial growth in your mouth. 

Saliva acts as a natural antibacterial agent, and when it’s in short supply, bacteria can flourish.

As a result, you may notice an unpleasant odor when you exhale.

2. Muscle Cramps

Ever had those painful muscle cramps? 

Dehydration, especially with depleted electrolyte levels, can cause those uncomfortable spasms. 

But don’t just focus on water; it’s about replenishing your electrolytes.

These electrolytes play a vital role in transmitting electrical signals to your muscles — and when they’re depleted due to dehydration, your muscles are more prone to cramping.

3. Dry Skin

Think you can’t get dehydrated in cold weather? Think again. 

Dehydration can dry out your skin, even when you’re not sweating. As you become more dehydrated, your blood volume decreases, leading to dry, flaky skin. 

It’s worth noting that you can get dehydrated even in cold weather, and the signs might not be as obvious as in hot weather where sweating is more apparent.

4. Headaches

Ever heard of “Dehydration Headaches”? It’s basically the aches you feel in your head when you’re not properly hydrated.

Yes, dehydration can affect even your head. Why?

Because your brain is surrounded by fluid, and when you’re dehydrated, you lose some of that fluid volume. 

Consequently, your brain can push against different parts of your skull, resulting in headaches.

However, staying hydrated will help you keep those aches at bay.

5. Fever

You may be wondering, “Fever? Really? Can dehydration cause fever?”


In severe cases of dehydration, you could experience a high fever. 

Along with the fever, you may also experience chills, as fluid plays a significant role in regulating body temperature.

Now the question is…

How do you ensure proper hydration to prevent both mild and severe symptoms of dehydration?

You’ll find the answer in the video below

Watch the video below and learn practical tips to prevent the 5 signs of dehydration outlined above.

Now for your free resource, click the link below to download your guide to staying properly hydrated all day, every day.


Remember that the signs of dehydration are your body’s way of communicating its needs.

By recognizing and addressing these signs promptly, you can prevent the negative effects of dehydration and maintain your overall well-being.

As we experience the changes in weather, make it a point to prioritize your hydration. 

Keep an eye out for the signs we’ve discussed, and take action to stay properly hydrated. Your body will thank you with improved performance and better health.

Don’t forget to watch the video “5 Signs Of Dehydration You Need To Know (And What To Do)” and download the free resource to learn the right way to maintain healthy levels of hydration.

You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

As always, if you found this post helpful, share it with anyone you know would need it.


Mike Dolce

October 25, 2023
How to Tighten Loose Skin During and After Weight Loss

How to Tighten Loose Skin During and After Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how to tighten loose skin during and after weight loss? 

If yes, then you’re not alone. It’s a common concern for anyone who embarks on a weight loss journey. 

That’s why in this blog post, I’m going to share five (5) top tips to help you keep your skin tight during and after your weight loss journey, without worrying about your skin sagging. 

What’s more, at the end of this post, there’s a fantastic free resource that will guide you on this transformative path.

Let’s dive in…

1. Gradual Weight Loss: The Key To Preventing Loose Skin

The keyword here is “gradual.” 

When it comes to weight loss, the key is “slow and steady wins the race.” 

Studies have shown that rapid weight loss can lead to the loss of muscle mass and saggy skin.

According to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, losing one to two pounds per week is the ideal pace… Why? 

Because your skin is like an elastic shirt that needs time to shrink as your body changes – and gradual weight loss allows your skin’s elasticity to keep up with the transformation.

2. Make Vitamins Your Best Friends

Vitamins are your best allies in the quest for tighter skin. 

Vitamin C, essential for collagen formation, is found in citrus fruits and colorful vegetables. 

Vitamin E combats oxidative stress and is present in sunflower seeds and almonds. 

Vitamin D, crucial for skin cell growth and repair, can be obtained through sun exposure, salmon, and avocados. 

Collagen, the magic word here, plays a pivotal role in maintaining skin elasticity.

3. Protein, Protein, Protein!

Protein isn’t just about building muscles; it’s crucial for skin cell repair and regeneration.

A study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics highlights the importance of adequate protein intake for skin health and elasticity.

Typically, you’d want to aim for 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of relatively lean body weight, especially if you’re active. 

Again, protein is not only essential for building and maintaining muscle but also for keeping your skin tight.

4. Strength Training: The Secret to Tighter Skin

If you want to push back against sagging skin, strength training is your go-to solution. 

Muscle tissue is denser than fat, so it naturally leads to tighter, more compact skin. Also, strength training increases bone density, providing a firmer foundation for your skin. 

This approach helps you build functional lean muscle tissue, enhancing your overall body composition and the tightness of your skin.


5. Stay Hydrated

Hydration plays a significant role in maintaining skin thickness and density. A study in Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology highlights this fact. 

Dehydration can lead to visible signs of aging. However, proper hydration flushes out toxins, making your skin look healthier and more elastic. 

Drinking water is your best weapon against saggy skin, and it even helps reduce water retention.

Want to learn how these tips work together to tighten loose skin?  Watch the video below!

Now for your free resource, click the link below to download your guide to tightening loose skin during and after your weight loss journey.


Keeping your skin tight during and after weight loss is not only achievable but also essential for a healthy and confident you. 

Gradual weight loss, vitamins, protein intake, strength training, and proper hydration are your key allies in this journey. 

Watch the video to get a deeper understanding, and don’t forget to download the free resource to help you achieve the skin-tightening results you desire.

You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

As always, if you found this post helpful, share it with anyone you know would need it.


Mike Dolce

October 18, 2023

5 Upper Body Exercises You Can Do While Seated At Your Desk

dolce-diet-seated-at-desk-exercises “I don’t have the time! I’m working! I’ll look like an idiot doing pushups in pantyhose and heels! What if my boss walks by?”

First, she should admire your determination! Second, we understand that exercising at your desk could make you feel a little self-conscious. That’s why these 5 simple exercises will keep your lean muscle-making activity under your co-workers’ radar! And you can just say you’re strengthening your typing prowess! Grrr!
What you’ll need: Two lightweight dumbbells (which can be stashed in your filing cabinet when not in use.) No dumbbells right now? No problem! Grab a couple 16 or 24 oz water bottles and let’s do this!











For more exercise videos, check out The Dolce Diet YouTube Channel! 


March 22, 2021

5 Ways To Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

by Lindsay Howard

Every New Year we are flooded with thoughts of making changes and setting goals for ourselves; and if we aren’t, our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are full of other people’s! The problem is most of these thoughts only last for a few days or weeks, and then fade away, leaving you with regret and dissatisfaction. This is because most New Year’s Resolutions are unrealistic, or they are much too broad and general.
Here are some tips on how to make a REAL New Year’s Resolution and stick with it.

Step 1: Decide what you want to accomplish.

We will use “lose weight” as an example. Some people will begin the year with a resolution that is very general such as, “I want to lose weight.” The problem here is that person has no plan, no specifics, so these thoughts and ideas are pushed into the back of their mind. However, this is your starting point!

Step 2: Figure out how.

How will you lose weight? Go to the gym more, or clean up your diet a bit? Those are great places to start, but still need to be honed in on in order to maximize your chances of success! Make a list of things you’d like to do more of, or less of. For example: “Go to the gym more, order out less, don’t stay up so late, cook more meals at home, take the dog for more walks.” All of these things tie into losing weight and are important components of your resolution!

Step 3: Specifics.

Once you’ve decided all of the things that are going to get you to your overall goal, put a specific plan in place. For example: “I will go to the gym at least 3 days per week, I will only order out for a meal one time per week.” With more specifics surrounding your plan, you will be much more likely to hold yourself accountable!

Step 4: Make a timeline.

Your goal needs to have a specific timeline. Do you want to lose 20 lbs. this year? Fit into a specific pair of jeans by summertime? Be able to finish a race that is coming up in the spring? Having a date on which you’d like to reach your goal serves as great motivation!

Step 5: Track your progress.

Being able to track your progress is essential to fulfilling your resolution. For instance, going along with our weight-loss example, things like food logs and exercise journals are an excellent way to keep you on track. Additionally, checking in with your progress weekly, or biweekly, will keep you moving in the right direction! Check your weight, compare before-and-after photos side by side, and/or do simple waist measurements.
If you are someone who has tried and come up short year after year, take a minute to think about what things are holding you back or that you aren’t doing to reach your goals. Maybe you need more accountability? Perhaps consulting a Registered Dietitian or Personal Trainer may be something to consider. Or maybe you just need more support. Find a friend or family member who shares your New Year’s Resolution, and get after it together! Create a plan to reach your goal and 2018 really can be YOUR year!

January 1, 2018

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Foods That Can Help Build Muscle

10 Foods That Can Help Build Muscle

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Olive Oil
The monounsaturated fatty acids help joints stay lubricated and aid in the prevention of muscle breakdown. Remember not to cook with olive oil, but to use it as a dressing due to its low smoke point.
2. Sunflower Seeds (shelled)
These little guys provide an impressive 25 grams of protein per 100 gram serving.
3. Eggs
Packed with vitamin D, protein and fat, these little power pellets are essential for gaining muscle. Remember, eggs are considered the “gold standard” in protein quality.
4. Coffee
Some studies have shown that coffee can actually help ease muscle pain and increases performance if consumed prior to your workout. Higher intensity equals higher results, so if you want to ramp up your routine, try a shot of espresso pre-workout to get you moving.
5. Grass-Fed Beef
The grass-fed variety tends to have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – a fatty acid that acts an antioxidant and has been linked to lowering body fat.
6. Quinoa
A great carb source that is also a complete protein. This is essentially the bodybuilder’s perfect carb.
7. Broccoli
The vitamin C content is responsible for collagen growth and repair, a key component in muscle tissue. We can also include spinach here as well for its vitamin C content.
8. Free-Range Turkey
A fantastic source of protein and glutamine – an amino acid responsible for protein synthesis.
9. Red Peppers
Again, high vitamin C content and often a better choice than their green counterparts.
10. Water
How else are we going to rehydrate those muscles? One of the primary components of muscle tissue is water at about 75%.


March 6, 2017

NY POST: An inside look at a UFC fighter’s meticulous weight battle

An inside look at a UFC fighter’s meticulous weight battle

By Michael Blaustein

March 3, 2017

ny-postAt noon on Friday, 11-0 UFC fighter Mirsad Bektic will weigh in at 145 pounds for his featherweight fight against 22-5 Darren Elkins in one of the best undercard fights at UFC 209.
Bektic will weigh around 164 pounds when he enters the cage 36 hours later. The weight gain Bektic puts his body through is shockingly abrupt, but it is a normal part of combat sports. (To wit, on Friday morning, Khabib Nurmagomedov was hospitalized due to complications from his weight cut, and his interim lightweight title fight was canceled.)
Bektic’s offseason weight is 180 pounds, and he does not execute the meticulous weight drop and gain by himself. Like most top-level mixed martial artists, he works with a nutritionist.
In Bektic’s case, that nutritionist is Mike Dolce, one of the most respected in the MMA world. Dolce started his career nearly 20 years ago, training the likes of Quinton Jackson and Randy Couture as they started their ascent to becoming UFC legends.
Now, Dolce and his team of certified dieticians work with between eight to 10 MMA fighters year-round making sure they eat a balanced diet that minimizes weight and maximizes power.
Dolce builds a specific meal plan for each of his fighters that accounts for their body types, fighting styles, and training methods.
“Think about [Nick and Nate] Diaz, they are a longer, leaner, lighter athlete. They’re very endurance-driven, most of their fights are won through volume and constant pace,” Dolce told The Post. “Then you can think of another athlete who is very stocky and bulky like Yoel Romero. Very explosive, very heavy muscle fiber recruitment … it’s harder for that athlete to push pace, so you need to understand the type of energy systems the athlete will use and make sure that they are fueled for that.
“With the bulkier athletes, they’re going to need a higher protein content because their muscles need a higher level of amino acids to help repair the muscle fibers as they break down. They’re also going to need more carbohydrates and a more constant carbohydrate intake as those muscle primarily use stored glycogen as it gets converted into glucose, which is the primary fuel source for those working muscles.
“When you get a leaner, more endurance-prone athlete, you don’t have to have as high of a total protein intake or as high of a total carbohydrate intake, you can have a higher ratio of essential fats floating through their diet.”
Dolce’s obsessively detailed meal plans prioritize his fighter’s long-term health first, their training performance second and their weight third. Taste is taken into consideration, but only if it doesn’t compromise the other three factors.
Dolce provides recipes for things like pasta and hamburgers, except that many of the craveable components have been removed. Pasta sauce is made from avocado oil, steamed tomatoes and plain beef instead of olive oil, sauteed garlic and Italian sausage. Likewise, Dolce’s “fries” are actually not actually fried at all — they are baked sweet potato sticks seasoned with cinnamon and honey.
Dolce’s roster of fighters, which includes Ronda Rousey, prefers his system. There are alternatives. Dolce does not ask his fighters to eat steamed broccoli and boiled chicken, or run in plastic sweat suits, or go through emotional steam treatments like Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino famously did during one of her hellish weight cuts.
Instead, Dolce claims, his fighters have abnormally easy cuts because he plans things out so far in advance. His fighters never have to drop huge amounts of weight in short amounts of time. As a result of his planning, Dolce claims none of his fighters — he estimates plotting weight cuts for well over 1,000 fights over his 20-year career — ever have missed weight.
Bektic is now Dolce’s star client.
The 26-year-old Bosnian is one of the best young fighters to come out of American Top Team (ATT), the legendary gym in Coconut Creek, Fla., that is home to UFC champions such as Amanda Nunes, Joanna Jedrzejczyk and Tyron Woodley.
In a featherweight division full of lightning-fast strikers like Max Holloway and more flat-footed knockout artists like Jose Aldo, Bektic has a chance to rise up through the ranks because of his sheer athleticism.
“I feel powerful, I feel outstanding, focused,” Bektic said Tuesday, three days before the UFC 209 weigh-in. “My body is the healthiest it’s ever been. I feel like I can do anything.”
Jovial and relaxed, Bektic spoke to The Post from Las Vegas in between his morning cardio workout and afternoon training session. He already had downed a breakfast bowl of oats, nuts, seeds, and fruit, a snack of blueberries and almonds and a gallon and a half of water. Bektic isn’t worried over the details of making weight because Dolce has planned his diet down to the last bite of food, sip of water and even bowel movement.
Here is exactly how Dolce and Bektic shed the weight:
10 weeks from fight night — 181 pounds
This is the time when Bektic transitions from his offseason routines and starts gearing up for his fight against Elkins.
He enters training camp at ATT, cuts out any non-fighting distractions, like dating, and mentally commits to his weight cut.
Bektic’s diet does not change significantly yet, however. Every four weeks all year long, he receives a detailed meal plan from Dolce that he follows religiously, and the routine he’s built up during the year will continue far into his training camp.
Every morning, Bektic wakes up, goes to the bathroom and texts his weight to Dolce. Then he goes about his day, which usually includes two training sessions, three large meals and two snacks composed of a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains, and meat. The idea, Dolce says, is to make sure Bektic gets all the micronutrients — things like Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc — his body needs to maintain his health as his training intensifies.
A typical day of eating at this point looks roughly like this:
Breakfast bowl (see above)
Midday snack of fruit, nuts and seeds
An omelette for lunch with a side salad full of bell peppers, onions, and spinach
Another snack of fruit, nuts and seeds
Pineapple chicken stir fry with brown rice, vegetables and a smidge of soy sauce
Taken all together, Dolce’s goal is to make sure Bektic maintains his muscle mass by eating around 2,600 calories per day, though the trainer insists his diet is not about calorie counting.
In theory, anyone can follow the diet — and 2,000 people sign up for The Dolce Diet every year. Dolce’s fighters, however, have to be far more disciplined than the average person. Their livelihood depends on it.
3 weeks from fight night — 164 pounds
Though Bektic’s food has not really changed over the past seven weeks, he’s still dropped weight because he’s working out more than usual. He does 10 training session per week specifically geared toward his bout against Elkins, a ground-it-out wrestler.
The results are starting to show up on the scale.
With just 20 days until the weigh-in, Dolce takes variability out of Bektic’s diet. Instead of a four-week meal plan, Bektic gets a three-day meal plan, which he repeats three times over nine days. Dolce also makes the meals smaller and spreads them throughout the day. Bektic is eating every 90 to 120 minutes.
The thinking behind the changes is they will allow fighter and nutritionist to gather as much information as possible about Bektic’s weight in relation to his food and water intake.
Suffice it to say, things get extremely intimate between the pair. Bektic will tell Dolce exactly how much water he consumed then weigh himself before and after training. That way, Dolce knows exactly how much Bektic sweats. Grosser still, Dolce monitors exactly how much Bektic weighs before and after he goes to the bathroom. That way, Dolce can calculate exactly how long it takes for food to travel from Bektic’s mouth to the toilet.
This information will be extremely useful later in the weight cut.
1 week from fight night — 153 pounds
Bektic’s weight cut has gone so well that Dolce allowed him to have what passes for a treat one week before his fight: a made-from-scratch hamburger on a whole wheat bun with a side of baked sweet potato fries.
The burger was the highlight, food-wise, of fight week. From here until the weigh-in, Bektic’s diet gets relatively boring. When he spoke to The Post, Bektic said he’ll normally have something like oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds, banana, blueberries and almond butter for breakfast. Then three boiled eggs with spinach for lunch. And finally, five ounces of plain chicken breast with a side of white rice and broccoli for dinner.
If he gets hungry between meals he might munch on some cashews.
While he’s still eating a healthy amount of food, Bektic has started the process of super hydrating his body. He drinks up to three gallons of purified water every day, which, according to Dolce, will help him shed water weight in the last few hours before the weigh-in.
Bektic’s faith in Dolce’s plan is so complete that he’s stopped thinking about his weight.
“I could make weight today if I wanted to,” he says, three days before the weigh-in.
Dolce is just as confident as his protege, but there are little signs the rigidity of the diet is taking its mental toll on Bektic. The mere mention of the tiniest doses of flavor that Dolce might allow him to add to his food becomes a drool-worthy moment. Soy sauce is no longer a simple condiment in Bektic’s pantry, it is a fond memory of a flavor he can no longer taste.
1 day from fight night — 145 pounds
In the last 24 hours, Bektic and Dolce begin the final part of the cut by shedding water weight.
Many fighters sweat the pounds out the same way that wrestlers have for generations: by heating up their bodies in sweat suits or steam rooms. Dolce tries to avoid this as best he can, but there is no escaping the reality that Bektic has to shed water and sweating is the only way to do it.
Dolce’s solution is to use a hot tub because he believes he can precisely control the temperature so Bektic sweats into the water but doesn’t overheat and thus become dehydrated. It’s a difficult balance, but Dolce is confident in Bektic.
“A guy like Mirsad will probably lose four or five pounds in the first 30 minutes on the first cut, we’re already halfway there,” Dolce said. “The second time, let’s say he loses three pounds, and the third time he loses two pounds. We’re actually underweight at that point.
“We actually get to eat dinner the night before weigh-in.”
If, for whatever reason, Bektic wakes up on Friday morning and he’s over the weight limit, Dolce has a final trick up his sleeve.
“I know when my athletes are having bowel movements, and during fight week they weigh themselves before and they weigh themselves after so we know exactly how much they’re eliminating,” Dolce explained.
“That allows [Bektic] to actually step on [the scale] completely empty.”
Fight night — 164 pounds
After the weigh-in on Friday, Dolce has 36 hours to help Bektic reenergize and rehydrate.
In the past, the process might have included IVs, but that practice has been banned by the UFC’s drug enforcement partner, USADA. Dolce and Bektic have to control fluid intake the old-fashioned way.
Just like losing water weight, the process of putting it back on is tightly controlled because if Bektic drinks too much too soon, his body might rebel. In the worst-case scenario, he might suffer violent diarrhea, but Dolce and Bektic won’t be worried about that because they have tons of experience and won’t overdue it.
Thus, when Bektic heads to the cage on Saturday night to fight Elkins, he’ll be a well-hydrated and powerful 164 pounds.

March 4, 2017

Feeling Down? Vitamin D Might Help!

Could D-ficiency have you feeling down?

By Tope Pedro, MPH, Dolce Diet Intern

What is Vitamin D and why is deficiency common?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin naturally present in a few foods, fortified in others, and available as a dietary supplement. However, the most significant source of vitamin D for most people is sun exposure because it’s produced in our bodies when sunlight strikes our skin. Since few of us live in places where there is adequate sunlight year round, vitamin D deficiency can be quite common. Other risk factors also include darker skin tone, use of large amounts sunscreens or make up, older age, medications that alter vitamin D metabolism, and diseases of fat malabsorption (vitamin D requires fat for absorption).
Why is deficiency a big deal?
Vitamin D has many important functions in our bodies as well as many benefits. It aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is needed for strong bones and teeth. It also helps with muscle, nerve, and immune function. Furthermore, it’s been shown to have a role in chronic disease prevention including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases by regulating factors in the body that have an impact on those conditions. One of vitamin D’s biggest claims to fame is the positive effect it has on improving mood and helping with seasonal depressive disorder.
How much should we be getting?
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 600 IU (15 mcg) per day. As with all macro- and micronutrients, natural sources, in this case food and sunlight, should be our primary source of Vitamin D. Supplements should only be taken if necessary and advised by a physician.
When UVB rays hit the skin conversions happen in the skin, liver, and kidneys leading to the synthesis of the active form of vitamin D in the body, calcitriol or 1-25 dihydroxyvitamin D3. Anything covering the body including clothes, makeup, and sunscreen (though important and necessary to minimize skin cancer risk) significantly reduces the body’s ability to synthesize the vitamin. Regardless of those factors, sunlight is still the most common and efficient source of vitamin D, and just 20 minutes of direct sun exposure per day can be sufficient to meet daily needs.
Unlike other vitamins and minerals, vitamin D is not abundant in foods, but there are some good sources including cod liver oil, shiitake mushrooms, egg yolks, and fatty fish like mackerel, salmon and tuna. Certain foods are also typically fortified with vitamin D like milk, cereals and orange juice.
Vitamin D comes in two major forms: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Commercially manufactured supplements contain either form and the term “Vitamin D” refers to both. If you get a blood test and your vitamin D is low, your physician may recommend a supplement that will likely contain more than the 600 IU RDA to correct the deficiency. Similarly to almost every other nutrient, moderation and correct dosage is key. Vitamin D is potentially the most toxic vitamin when too much is consumed. One of its properties is helping the body fully utilize calcium, and in excess quantities it can cause calcification of the soft tissues that make up our organs. It is nearly impossible to get a toxic amount of vitamin D through sunlight or food so this is only a precaution for the supplemental form.
tope-pedroTope Pedro is a future dietitian currently completing her dietetic internship through San Francisco State University. She has bachelors degrees in both Biochemistry and Dietetics and a Master’s of Public Health. She is passionate about sports nutrition, which stems from her life-long experiences as an athlete, currently as a professional boxer. She also teaches cardio boxing class and enjoys working with clients to help them reach their health goals. As a registered dietitian, Tope hopes to work in the sports nutrition and fitness sectors, specifically with combat sport athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

January 12, 2017