5 Strength Training Mistakes Most Women Make

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Skimping on the Warm-Up

The muscles and tendons will become more elastic with a proper warm-up session, which helps reduce the risk of injury and will jumpstart calorie burn. Be sure to warm-up the whole body, not just the area you’re training for that day.

2. Being Too Scared to Go Heavy

Personally, I love lifting heavy. I love setting new PRs, and I’ll never understand why so many women are afraid to do so. Female body builders look the way they do due to time under tension, meaning more reps at lighter weights. So if you lift heavy, you won’t necessarily look shredded/bulky like the top female competitors. Instead, you’ll rev up your metabolism by building leaner muscle, which burns more calories at rest, promoting fat loss. That’s probably my biggest pet peeve when women come into my gym and ask, “Do you program a lot of weight lifting? Because I don’t want to get bulky”. One of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard. But I digress…

3. Relying on Isolated Movements

Now, I’m not just stating this because I’m a Crossfitter and we don’t do isolated movements. My point is that compound movements, such as, squats (my favorite), lunges, shoulder press, bench press, etc. have their benefits as well. Isolated do have their place and benefit, but you can’t just go in trying to target one problem area every workout. Make sure to mix it up because the compound movements will have their benefits.

4. Improper Form

You can leave your Crossfit jokes at the door for this one. I, myself, am a huge advocate of proper form, and dropping down the weight when form goes out the window, unless you are going for a 1 rep max. That’s a little different. Once your form breaks down, you’re missing the point of the workout and you’re not engaging the muscles like you should be, therefore not getting nearly the same benefit from your workout.

5. Taking Long Breaks Between Sets

If you work out with a gym partner, make sure he/she is someone who has similar goals as you and is there to get stuff done. Chatting and taking selfies is not going to get you the results you want. Hard work and shorter rest times will.

October 26, 2017

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: How to Get Back to Pre-Marriage Weight


How to Get Back to Pre-Marriage Weight

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Life happens and sometimes our own health gets away from us. Looking to shed some unwanted pounds? Once the honeymoon phase is over, take back control of your health and get your sexy back!

Swap full- or low-fat items for nonfat

• i.e. plain, nonfat Greek yogurt and add “toppers” for extra flavor like frozen berries, honey and chia seeds).

Choose lean proteins

• Such as, chicken, turkey, buffalo, lean beef, eggs, and kangaroo (1g of fat and 25g of protein in a 3.5oz serving and tastes like ground beef).

Have smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day

• In other words, “graze” in order to keep your metabolism running at a higher rate. Just be sure to graze healthfully.
• This will also help keep blood sugar levels more stable.

Always choose whole grains

• Doing so reduces your sugar and refined starch intake, both of which spike blood sugar levels quickly.
• Ezekiel bread, brown rice pasta, quinoa and amaranth are excellent choices.

Sweet Cravings

• Choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate, make your own trail mixes and frozen yogurts.
• Try 1 cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt, ¼ cup of frozen blueberries and drizzle of honey. Mix together until purple, and enjoy a decadent dessert with frozen bursts of freshness.

Start strength training

• Yes, bouts of cardio are great for your heart health and to lose some of that visceral fat, however, strength training is where you really start to burn more calories at rest.
• The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest, or in other words, the higher your basal metabolic rate.
• Most people tend to think that cardio is what sheds the pounds, when in reality it is a sound mixture of the two. And no ladies, you won’t get “too big”.
• There are lots of different ways to strength train. One way is low reps, heavy weights, or high reps, light weights. It depends on your goals, but it’s never a bad idea to incorporate both. Remember, you want to mix up your routine anyway.

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November 17, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 5 Strength Training Mistakes Most Women Make

5 Strength Training Mistakes Most Women Make

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Skimping on the Warm-Up
The muscles and tendons will become more elastic with a proper warm-up session, which helps reduce the risk of injury and will jumpstart calorie burn. Be sure to warm-up the whole body, not just the area you’re training for that day.
2. Being Too Scared to Go Heavy
Personally, I love lifting heavy. I love setting new PRs, and I’ll never understand why so many women are afraid to do so. Female body builders look the way they do due to time under tension, meaning more reps at lighter weights. So if you lift heavy, you won’t necessarily look shredded/bulky like the top female competitors. Instead, you’ll rev up your metabolism by building leaner muscle, which burns more calories at rest, promoting fat loss. That’s probably my biggest pet peeve when women come into my gym and ask, “Do you program a lot of weight lifting? Because I don’t want to get bulky”. One of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard. But I digress…
3. Relying on Isolated Movements
Now, I’m not just stating this because I’m a Crossfitter and we don’t do isolated movements. My point is that compound movements, such as, squats (my favorite), lunges, shoulder press, bench press, etc. have their benefits as well. Isolated do have their place and benefit, but you can’t just go in trying to target one problem area every workout. Make sure to mix it up because the compound movements will have their benefits.
4. Improper Form
You can leave your Crossfit jokes at the door for this one. I, myself, am a huge advocate of proper form, and dropping down the weight when form goes out the window, unless you are going for a 1 rep max. That’s a little different. Once your form breaks down, you’re missing the point of the workout and you’re not engaging the muscles like you should be, therefore not getting nearly the same benefit from your workout.
5. Taking Long Breaks Between Sets
If you work out with a gym partner, make sure he/she is someone who has similar goals as you and is there to get stuff done. Chatting and taking selfies is not going to get you the results you want. Hard work and shorter rest times will.

Join our online training program today!
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September 21, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 7 Benefits of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

7 Benefits of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

There are many benefits of apple cider vinegar. It can bring relief from several common maladies. Made from fermented apple juice, be sure to look for a brand of apple cider vinegar that states “With the Mother,” which grows on fermenting liquids and increases benefits.

(Always consult your doctor before using these or any remedies.)

1. Sore Throat Relief
Gargle with a small amount for 20 seconds in the back of the throat. You may have to tilt your head back to let it pool up in the back of the throat.
2. Swimmer’s Ear Relief
Tilt your head so that the affected ear is completely parallel to the floor. Have someone pour a small amount in your ear, and let it sit for 20-30 seconds (you’ll feel it deep in the canal and it’ll make some popping/bubbling sounds), then tilt head in opposite direction and dump out.
3. Achy Joint Relief
Apply to affected areas as a hot compress.
4. Stomach Ache Reducer
Mix with a small amount of water and drink to lessen upset stomach symptoms.
5. Rash Relief
Add 2 tbsp. to a bath and soak for 20 minutes.
6. Pesticide/Bacteria Remover
Using a 10% vinegar to 90% water solution, briefly soak produce in vinegar bath to help remove pesticides and bacterial growth.
7. Weight Loss Aide
Speeds up metabolism, and is a great way to detoxify the liver to kickstart weight loss.

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September 9, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 5 Foods For Gut Health

5 Foods for Your Gut Health

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Greek Yogurt

• Acts as a probiotic

2. Kimchi

• A lot of fermented veggies improve intestinal flora and help boost the immune system

3. Artichokes

• Act as prebiotics

4. Dark Chocolate

• Some gut bacteria feeds on the chocolate and ferments it into anti-inflammatory compounds

5. Kefir

• Fermented dairy product that contains oligosaccharides and complex carbs, which feed the healthy bacteria

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August 31, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 7 Moves to Roll Away the Pain

7 Moves to Roll Away the Pain

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

When we go hard in the gym, we tend to pay a small price for doing so in muscle soreness. For me, soreness is almost a good feeling because it’s a way for me to prove to myself that I pushed myself. However, that doesn’t mean we should just let it go away on its own. It’s really important to incorporate mobility into your daily routine to help you recover more quickly and prevent future injury to an already stressed muscle during your next bout of exercise. So try these foam rolling stretches and tennis ball massage techniques to bring some relief to those sore muscles.

1. For foot pain:

• While sitting, step on a tennis or lacrosse ball (lacrosse ball is a little sturdier) with a bare or socked foot and roll back and forth from heel to toe with firm pressure.
• If anywhere feels particularly painful or tender, work those knots out by rolling in small circles.

2. Lower back* (Post-deadlift day)

• Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet planted on the ground.
• Place two tennis or lacrosse balls under your lower back around where your sacrum — the large, triangular bone at the base of the spine — meets your hip bone.
• Raise and lower your hips, kneading the area with the tennis balls.
*Ladies, this one is also great for lower back pain from PMS!

3. For stiff knees:

• While sitting, straighten your leg and let it rest so the muscles in your quad are softened.
• Press into where it hurts with a fingertip and massage in a star shape for 10 seconds.
• Bend and straighten your knee twice.
• Repeat 2–3 times for each place it hurts.

4. For a sore backside
(either from squats, pistol squats, lunges or even sitting too long):

• Sit on the ground with your legs bent, your hands resting on the ground behind you, and a tennis or lacrosse ball under your butt cheek.
• Lift your leg off the ground and roll around on the ball, working into the places you feel most tension. This will hurt if you’re doing it correctly.
• Repeat on your other side.

5. For sore forearms
(either from kettlebells, pull-ups, or any other grip-intensive activity):

• Hold your arm out, palm up, and cup it just under the elbow with your opposite hand.
• Flip your arm within your grip so your palm faces the ground.
• Repeat all down your arm until you reach your wrist.

These next two require a foam roller. There are many foam rollers on the market today, but here is one we use all the time (and like!) from Trigger Point Performance:

The Grid Revolutionary Foam Roller

6. For sore hips/legs/knees:

• Lie on your side with a foam roller under your hip.
• Using your hands to brace you, slowly roll down from your hip to your knee, rotating your body toward the ground as you go. You’ll be hitting the IT band in this position, and yes, it’s painful.
• Roll back into the starting position and repeat on the other side.

7. For an achy back:

• Lie down on your back with feet shoulder-width apart.
• Center a foam roller on your mid-back, beneath your shoulder blades so it’s perpendicular to your body.
• Rock your body toward and away from your feet over the foam roller. For an even deeper stretch, extend your arms above your head as your roll back and forth.

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August 29, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 3 Active Rest Day Ideas


3 Active Rest Day Workout Ideas

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

We all know that rest is part of the program. If you’re very active, it can be tough to force yourself to take it easy. Luckily, a rest day doesn’t have to consist of doing absolutely nothing. In fact, active rest days are a great way to stave off further muscle soreness because you’re still getting your blood pumping, but at a much lower intensity that will allow for better recover. Let’s stretch out that connective tissue and work through the sore muscles with these 3 active rest day workout ideas we love.
1. Foam Rolling
This is one of my favorite active recovery activities. Not only does it help work out all the crackles and crinkles from some heavy lifting, but it’s a great way to work on those sore muscles and break up knots in our connective tissue. Think of it as a much-needed massage. We tend to think, if we are sore, let’s try to avoid the area to prevent it from getting worse. Not a good idea. It may hurt, but working on a sore area will actually help alleviate pain and recover that muscle more quickly. Plus, the foam roller can be used all over the body: Upper/lower back, IT band, hamstrings, calves, lats and glutes. You may even want to throw a lacrosse ball into the mix for an even deeper massage.
2. Walking/Hiking
This is a great, low-intensity exercise to just get your blood moving. Take a walk at the mall, beach, park, or anywhere you’d like. Grab the dog or have a friend come with you. You could do some hill intervals as well, but remember, no more than a jog. We are actively recovering, not trying to set a new PR.
3. Yoga
Yoga is great for really stretching out the muscles and tendons. With an experienced instructor, you’ll be put into positions that will work out all kinds of connective tissue knots, and you’ll hold these positions for appropriate amounts of time. Stretching for too little time won’t do much good. And no, guys, your man card won’t get taken if you drop in for a yoga session (just think of it as a stepping stone to your next deadlift PR).

July 19, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Top 10 Fiber Foods

Top 10 Fiber Foods

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Fiber is important for optimal digestive health and decreases your risk for developing heart disease. Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that really helps clean out the system. In terms of heart health, it binds to cholesterol and removes it as it makes its way out of the body. So why not kill two birds with one stone and up your fiber game? Recommendations for fiber are about 25 grams per day for women, and 35 grams per day for men. It is also important to SLOWLY increase your fiber intake, especially if your body isn’t used to it. If you dump too much fiber into your system at once, it can actually have the reverse effect of its normal function and cause constipation, gas and bloating. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water as you increase your fiber intake.
1. Lentils 1 cup = 15.6 g
2. Black beans 1 cup = 15.0 g
3. Oat bran 1 cup = 14 g
4. Raspberries 1 cup = 8.0 g
5. Whole wheat pasta 1 cup = 6.3 g
6. Pear 1 medium = 5.5 g
7. Broccoli 1 cup = 5.1 g
8. Apple (with skin) 1 medium = 4.4 g
9. Brussels sprouts 1 cup = 4.1 g
10. Almonds 1 ounce = 3.5 g

Read More About Fiber:



July 9, 2015

MIKE DOLCE SHOW: Ep. 114 Jens Pulver & Wimp 2 Warrior

The Mike Dolce Show – A Fitness Podcast

Mike talks to Jens Pulver and we learn about a new show called Wimp 2 Warrior that’s letting everyday folks try their hand at MMA fighting. Mike also answers your questions.
Mike Dolce is a 2X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, 2014 NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and 2014 Men’s Fitness Top 30 Game Changer for fitness. As the founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves and more!
His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit TheDolceDiet.com and TheMikeDolceShow.com
Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!




June 29, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Go for a walk.
Take a buddy, pet, or use it as time to sit with your own thoughts.
2. Breathe!
Take some time each day to do some breathing exercises and/or meditate. Life isn’t that serious!
3. Laugh!
Laughing is very healthy for overall longevity. If things in your day don’t naturally make you laugh, set aside 5 minutes a day to listen to a comedian, go to the “Humor” section of Pinterest, or talk with your funniest friend/family member.
4. Let go of what you can’t control, and focus on what you can.
What good does worrying do? It won’t change the outcome, and it keeps you from enjoying the present.
5. Get more sleep.
Waking up feeling refreshed can help regulate your hormones and keep your body on a healthy rhythm.
6. Talk it out.
Don’t let things build up and hold everything inside. Confide in a close friend or family member, or even seek out the help of a professional if need be.
7. Hug it out!
Sometimes just the touch of another human being, or even an animal, can instantly lower your stress levels. Why do you think it’s so important for moms to hold their babies closely?
8. Think about all the good times.
Remember the good and strive to keep adding to those good memories, just don’t get lost there and stay there. Keep moving forward!
9. Smile!
Sometimes you can turn around a person’s bad day, even a stranger, just by offering up this simple gesture. You’ll reap the benefits of giving back, and that person will know that someone in their day cares. Plus, positivity is contagious!
10. Find the good in each situation.
Maybe you lost your job. It may not seem like the ideal situation, but you can use that time to start new, healthy hobbies or improve upon your resume and gain valuable experience to be where you want to be. Remember, not every loss is truly a loss, sometimes it’s a gain.


June 11, 2015