Jose Magana went from walking to weight training*

Jose before after 700 x 500
“My goal was to improve my health because I was tired of not being able to do simple tasks. My brother and friend kept me motivated on The Dolce Diet because we all did it together. What also kept me motivated was the fact that was seeing results fast and the food portions and recipes were so good. My exercise consisted of power walking the first week, then jogging the second week. By the third week, I was doing a mile non-stop and by the second month I was doing 5k three times a week and push-ups. By the third month, I was doing functional lifting, squats, dead-lifts push-ups and continued running. I would like to tell other people that anything is possible if you stay disciplined and dedicated and don’t give up! Also surround yourself with positive people, and listen to Mike!  Boom!” – Josh Magana, 24 y/o, followed 3 Weeks To Shredded & Living Lean.
*Individual results may vary

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