
fab-fit-fun-dolce-diet-salmonFit Tip Friday: Five Foods to Tighten Your Tummy

The UFC fighter diet!

While everyone else was laughing when Melissa McCarthy suggested a “Female Fight Club” Bachelorette Party in Bridesmaids, we were actually inspired! (Because, hello! Have you seen those UFC guys’ bodies?!)

Clearly mixed martial arts does a body good. But it’s not the only thing that fighters do to keep their bods in peak condition. Mike Dolce is the co-creator of the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s new at-home fitness and nutrition program, UFCFIT! We chatted with Mike to get the lowdown on the foods to munch for a tight and taut tummy!
He said that no matter our health and fitness goals, the best types of foods are the ones that pack the most power per calorie (especially during bikini season), such as:
Asparagus (When the voice in your head is screaming for salty and crunchy, a few Coconut Grilled Asparagus stalks sprinkled in Himalayan sea salt will do the trick!)
Blueberries (When you’re craving something sweet, drop that chocolate and reach for these blue bad boys)
To look and feel our absolute best, we must remember to keep our metabolism high, our blood sugar stable and our meal choices plentiful. By eating two or three handful sized portions of the above nutrients (or similar) every couple hours we replace empty calories with the most power packed calories on the planet!
Eating small meals every two to three hours is much better than eating once or twice per day (when you might end up gorging yourself). Not eating at all is even worse!
With these tricks and more from UFCFIT, not only will you look better — you’ll be filled with energy and excited for your next meal!”
xx, The FabFitFun Team
Original post here

July 21, 2013


We want to thank Meghan for sharing her story! We asked her to write down her thoughts on her weight loss journey after seeing her respond to another woman on The Dolce Diet Facebook Page who asked if The Dolce Diet works for ladies. Meghan responded that it certainly does and that she herself lost 34 lbs. We thought her story would help motivate others. After reading the touching, supportive and very emotional path she’s taken to this point, we know her words are nothing less than inspirational. Thank you, Meghan!

My Story by Meghan C.
My weight loss journey started in June 2012. I have had weight problems since I was 18 years old. I would go back and forth between a size 16 and 14. My problems with my weight got really bad after I had children. I had my first son in 2007 and was able to lose the weight that I had gained but I was never able to get rid of the “baby pouch”.
meghan-300-the-dolce-dietAfter the birth of my second son in 2010 I lost my job. I was depressed and angry and put on a lot of weight and was wearing a size 18 jean! I have never been that big before in my life! Playing tag with my kids became exhausting. I never wanted to go anywhere or do anything, because I did not have any clothes that fit. I was in denial about how much weight I had gained, and I refused to go shopping for bigger clothes. I knew I needed to do something when my five year old came up to me and grabbed my back fat and said, “Ew, mommy, you have back boobies!” That was it for me. I could not be this way anymore!
My family goes on a beach vacation every summer. Our trip was planned for August 2012. I started looking at pictures from our vacation in 2011 and was so embarrassed. I could not believe I was that big! My fiancé follows MMA and UFC, and he told me he ordered The Dolce Diet book, and told me the story of who Mike Dolce was and what he did. He said he was going to follow the book for four weeks before our vacation and asked if I wanted to try it. I decided since I was going to be preparing the food for him I might as well give it a shot. I had tried to diet on my own and it never worked, but I figured one more shot couldn’t hurt. What made me decide to go through with it was knowing that I wasn’t going to be doing it alone.
We went to the grocery store and bought everything we needed. To my surprise, our bill came up to $100 for a week; when we normally spend $200. I was already impressed! We started the diet on a Monday and since I wasn’t working, I was working out 2 times a day. My fiancé’ would call me during his lunch to make sure I wasn’t cheating and I was eating the diet food. When he came home I would make a separate dinner four our boys and we would eat our diet food. By Saturday the first week I had lost 5 pounds and my fiancée lost 7! I thought that it would feel like a “diet” and I would feel sluggish, but I felt amazing! I was constantly energized and I always felt satisfied and never like I needed to eat more to get the feeling of being full. We were both thrilled, and after seeing the results that we made in one week we knew we needed to keep going.
By the end of the second week it started to get really hard, but when one of us was ready to quit the other was there to give the push that we needed. During week two the compliments started rolling in. Everyone noticed my weight loss and wanted to know the secret. I told everyone I knew about what I was doing and how easy it was! My clothes were falling off, I had more energy, and I was the happiest I had ever been.
Week three we were pros! We knew exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how much. This was the most emotional week for me. We started going shopping for our vacation, and I needed to buy clothes because nothing I owned fit anymore. Shopping for me was always a horrible experience. Nothing would ever fit and everything looked bad on me. This time I went with my fiancé for support. When we got there I wanted to get a bathing suit and shorts. I never wore shorts because I had very big thighs, but since I started the diet and was losing the weight I decided to try them out. I grabbed a size 14 because I didn’t want to try anything smaller and have them not fit. All I kept thinking was, “You were an 18 so don’t get upset if you’re not smaller than a 14!” I tried the size 14 on and they fell of my waist! That’s when I started to cry. My fiancé comes in thinking that the 14 was too small and did not fit and that’s why I was crying. When he saw that they wouldn’t stay on my waist he just started laughing. He kept saying how proud he was of me and how happy he was that I was finally happy with myself again. I grabbed a size 12 and they fit! I went from a size 18 to a size 12 just 3 weeks later!!!! I could not believe it! I would have never made the progress I did without my fiancée. We both pushed each other to the finish line.
This diet is not difficult to do, but it’s not as easy as popping a diet pill. It takes discipline and self-control. You have to want it for yourself. It wasn’t just four weeks of dieting to me. It was a lifestyle change. I am so thankful to Mike for allowing me the opportunity to have his knowledge and be able to implement it into my own life.
When we went on vacation I was wearing a bathing suit and was not covering it up with a big t-shirt! Everyone that was with us was so impressed and happy for me and couldn’t believe the change in my body.
The best moment for me was when I had to pick up my mother from the airport while on vacation. I hadn’t seen my mother in a year, because she was taking care of her sick mother in another state. I saw her walking by and I parked the car to help her with her bags. As I walking toward her to give her a hug, she walked right by me. I turned around and said, ”Hi mom!” She turned around and immediately started to cry. She did not know that it was me walking up to her. She had no idea that I was on a diet, and she just kept saying how amazing I looked and how proud she was. That was the best moment for me.
The Dolce Diet changed my life in so many ways. I am happier than I have ever been! The most important thing for me, was that this book showed me not only how to diet properly, but how to eat right. It gets to a point where it becomes second nature when you go the grocery story. You learn how to grocery shop. You learn to use portion control. You learn how to, “Live Lean”. My house is always full with organic fruits; vegetables, all natural meats, and gluten free everything! Even my 5 and 2 year old love the pit-bull pancakes.
As women we deal with a lot. Being a wife, mother, and a career woman is not easy. We tend to forget ourselves in the process. I knew that losing the weight was something I needed to do for me, and if I can do it anyone can. I am not an exercise guru, or a diet freak. I love to eat, and I hate working out. I am just an everyday mother and wife with a nine-to-five who had a weight problem and needed to do something about it. I am happily wearing a size 12 from an 18, and my journey isn’t over.
Thanks to Mike, I have the knowledge that I need to get down to my dream size 6. I am healthier and happier than I have ever been! Making the decision to take the first step was the absolute best decision I have ever made for myself!!! Being overweight is hard, dieting is hard, and working out is hard. It’s up to you to pick your hard! It’s possible with the help of a good support system, Mike Dolce, and The Dolce Diet.

May 28, 2013


“Thought I might share this with you me after using The Dolce Diet cutting for my first thai boxing fight. 15kg (33 lbs)  lost and won my fight via knockout in 26 seconds of the first round. Booom.” ~Simon Parsons
Photo: Simon Parsons


May 24, 2013



Mike Dolce: The Art of Losing Weight

One of the leading MMA nutritionists shares his thoughts on the right way to lose weight.

By Mark Gillespie

Cutting weight has long been ingrained in the culture of professional combat sports.  Today the vast majority of fighters still seek to exploit the day before weigh-ins and by cutting weight, give themselves a clear size and strength advantage over their opponents.  Believe it or not, some fighters worry more about making weight than they do about their opponent.  Cutting weight can undoubtedly be a cruel process and it’s no secret that it isn’t always undertaken in the most professional manner.  Some athletes will practically starve themselves, use saunas or sweat suits and some have even taken drugs amongst other drastic measures in order to reach their goals.

The Dolce View

One man who is well acquainted with the process of cutting weight is Mike Dolce.  Dolce, a Las Vegas based nutritionist who also describes himself as a longevity coach, is regularly hired to assist elite mixed martial artists with their cut.  Vitor Belfort, Gray Maynard, Rampage Jackson and Johny Hendricks are just some of the world-class fighters who have reaped the rewards of Dolce’s expertise in recent years.  Dolce’s interest in nutrition is a longstanding one and originally evolved alongside his own athletic pursuits as a wrestler, powerlifter and mixed martial artist.  Here he gives an introductory overview regarding his philosophy on the art of cutting weight.
“Really there’s no magic pill,” says Dolce.  “It’s about maintaining a professional approach, not just in the build up to a fight but throughout an athlete’s entire career.  It’s that blue-collar mind-set and making simple healthy choices.  Three weeks before the fight my fighters are at about 7% body fat and throughout the entire process remain the epitome of perfect health.  It’s all done in cycles, three weeks, six weeks, nine weeks, setting goals for each week.  I call it ‘skewing’.  I tell my athletes they’re skewing in the right direction and that we’re always getting better day-by-day.”
‘The art of cutting weight is a matter of peaking.  It’s a very scientific process but in general, I try to bring a healthy and practical approach.  So many fighters look dreadful on the scales because they’re so dehydrated.  Unlike some others, my fighters stay hydrated throughout the entire process of cutting.  The day of the weigh-in is never going to be easy, no matter what.  However, the day before the weigh-in, the fighter should be fine.”
According to Dolce, the process of cutting weight remains stigmatised because of the somewhat primitive methods that are still in use.

The Wrong Way to Cut Weight

“It’s unfortunate that the art of cutting weight hasn’t evolved much in the history of professional combat sports.  The sports themselves have evolved whether it’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or western boxing but cutting weight for many is still seen as a crude process.  Take Brandon Rios (lightweight boxer) for example.  He turns up to press conferences in plastic suits.  Can you believe it?  Two days before a fight and he’s still wearing those plastic suits to try and sweat it out.”
Ultimately for Dolce, a healthy weight cut is about more than what happens in the weeks leading up to a fight.  The choices made in between camps are crucial, not only to the weight cut itself, but so that combat athletes can make the most out of what is essentially a very short career.  He uses the example of two world-class boxers to highlight the consequences of positive and negative lifestyle choices.
‘Take Ricky Hatton for example.  He was an extremely gifted and capable athlete whose career ended too soon because he didn’t take care of his body in between fights.”  Hatton, the former light-welterweight champion who retired recently at the age of thirty-three was infamous for his massive weight-gain in between fights.  “Then you have a guy like Bernard Hopkins at the other end of the scale,” says Dolce.  “He’s forty-eight years old, takes great care of his body and as a result is still competing at the highest level and could be fighting well into his fifties.’  In fact, just days after this interview, the forty-eight year old Hopkins won the IBF light-heavyweight crown against the thirty-one year old Tavoris Cloud.  In doing so he broke his own record to become once again, the oldest man in boxing history to win a major world title.
In an ideal world as espoused by Mike Dolce, combat athletes would incorporate cutting weight into their everyday lives whether there’s a fight coming up or not.  It’s a tough ask for those who like to kick back in between fights but look at Bernard Hopkins and Dolce’s message is clear. Discipline and dedication are much more than just sports clichés – they’re the building blocks of future victories.
For more information on Mike Dolce and The Dolce Diet – visit http://www.thethedolcediet.com
Click to View Original Article Posted on MuscleAndFitness.com

Photo by Ed Mulholland Twitter: @Muls96

April 3, 2013


dolce-diet-instagramRESULTS! Mikey Alcantar (live_by_the_code via Instagram) posted this caption under his photos: “Before and after starting the dolce diet. Hard work pays off. Dedication and a good mind set is all you need #dolcediet #livinglean #healthy #fit
Some of his additional comments: 
“Home grown. Never ever went to a 24 hr fitness or la fitness or any other major gym.”
“In all honesty it’s the diet … I don’t even go to a major gym. My workout routine is pretty simple. Buy a copy of the dolce diet and have like at least 12 recipes and eat them for a month and u will see results quick.”
*Individual results may vary

March 13, 2013


Andy Brisk shared his story with us through The Dolce Diet Facebook page. If you have a personal health success story you’d like to send us, please do so either on our Facebook page or by using the Contact page. Be sure to check out Mike’s thoughts on Andy’s story on Ep. 17 of The Mike Dolce Show!


Hi guys,
My name is Andy, I live in Liverpool, UK. I’m 28 years old, 5ft 8.
I just wanted to share my story with you. You guys have really kept me motivated, I listen to the podcasts constantly and own both of your Living Lean books. I have been in and out of gyms since I was 18. I would get so far but then my progress would halt because I never changed my diet, and I didn’t know anything about food, or even cooking. Before I got your books, I could not even cook! So I learned (still learning!) how to cook by using your recipes. What a great way to start.
I’m a small guy, everyone has always told me ‘you don’t need to lose weight,’ ‘You’re too skinny,’ etc., but I knew better, I was ‘skinny fat,’ and I hated it. I eventually became disgusted with what I had done to my body and decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. I was tired of feeling horrible and sorry for myself all the time. I got hold of Living Lean and read it a couple of times. It really changed my outlook towards food and training, and off I went. I have not been to the gym in months, instead I got hold of DVD home training program and stuck to it religiously, I still do, and when UFC FIT comes out I’ll be jumping straight onto it for a change.
Thanks to your podcasts and books, I understand just how important food is when we’re trying to get lean and fit. I learned the hard way that training will only get you so far. I’m so much more motivated these days, and I will NEVER go back to what I was, EVER. I still have a long way to go, but I’m up for the challenge and with your coaching I know I’ll be just fine!
So guys, thanks for the knowledge you share with us, and for keeping us accountable and motivated. You made a real difference in my life!
-Andy Brisk

March 5, 2013