DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 5 Moves to Banish Back Fat

5 Moves to Banish Back Fat

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Negative Pull-Ups
Use a box or step to hoist your chin over the bar, then SLOWLY lower yourself to the point that your arms are fully extended.
2. Perfect Push-Ups
Set up with your feet together and your hands about shoulder width. Try to keep your body as tight as possible as you lower your body and push back up.
3. Jump Rope
Great for the shoulders, which is all part of the back.
4. Rowing Machine
This move perfectly targets the back, and for a greater back workout, increase the damper to somewhere between 8 and 10 to really engage those muscles.
5. Renegade Row
Start in a plank position with dumbbells in each hand. Keeping the body tight, pull one arm back at a time in a rowing movement, then place it back on the floor and alternate to the other arm.


June 18, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 7 Ways to Get to Sleep Faster

7 Ways to Help You Get to Sleep Faster

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

We all know that sleep is crucial for overall wellness, and is a key component in building muscle and increasing performance. Rest is part of the program! So here are some tips to help you get a better night’s sleep so you can keep making GAINZ!
1. Avoid Alcohol
You’ll wake up constantly throughout the night while it is metabolizing.
2. Stop Smoking
The nicotine acts a stimulant, which will make it that much harder to fall asleep if you have one before bed.
3. Reduce Your Sugar Intake
Sugar raises your blood sugar, which tells your brain it’s good to go instead of letting it settle and rest.
4. No Caffeine Before Bed
Obviously this is best reserved for throughout the day, but try to avoid it at least 2-4 hours before bed. Opt for chamomile tea instead to relax you.
5. Limit Your Water Intake as Bedtime Approaches
Staying hydrated during the day is great, but start to taper it as the evening sets in, otherwise you’ll be up constantly to use the restroom.
6. Reduce Your Salt Intake
Excessive salt can dehydrate you, making sleep harder to come by.
7. Don’t Eat Too Close to Bed Time
It is best to give yourself about 2 hours between your last meal and attempting to fall asleep. Not only will it allow for some digestion to begin, but you’ll avoid heartburn or GI discomfort from laying down immediately and letting gravity take over.

For more success stories, head here.

June 16, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Micronutrients Every Athlete Needs


10 Micronutrients Every Athlete Needs

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Calcium
This nutrient is essential for proper bone growth/development/maintenance. Be sure to consume enough vitamin D with calcium, which enhances the absorption of calcium.
Sources: Greek yogurt, spinach, kale, cheese, broccoli
2. Vitamin D
This vitamin is very important for the mitochondria (“powerhouse of the cells”) to produce energy within the muscle fibers during exercise. Calcium also enhances the absorption of this nutrient.
Sources: salmon, egg yolks
3. B Vitamins
These vitamins are crucial for red blood cell production and energy metabolism.
Sources: tuna, legumes, black beans

4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential for collagen growth and repair (if you get injured during your sport) and can also help stave off the common cold.
Sources: citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, kale

5. Vitamin E
This antioxidant is vital to fight off free radicals, which are produced when the body is put under stress, and guess what? Exercise is technically “stress” on the body.
Sources: almonds/almond butter, all-natural peanut butter, sunflower seeds

6. Magnesium
This little guy is needed for over 300 enzymes in the body and helps power endurance athletes during long events. Magnesium can be lost through sweat, so be sure to replenish appropriately.
Sources: almonds, halibut, spinach, kale
7. Iron
This mineral is very important for red blood cells to carry oxygen to the working muscles. It is very easy to deplete your stores, especially during a workout and could lead to fatigue or disorientation.
Sources: grass-fed beef, eggs, broccoli, spinach

8. Sodium
We lose sodium through our sweat, and if we only replenish with water, we could suffer from hyponatremia – known as water intoxication – in which our sodium blood levels are extremely low. This can be fatal in some cases.
Sources: Pink Himalayan sea salt added to foods or mixed with water, lemon and honey as a natural electrolyte drink

9. Zinc
Zinc helps provide energy and endurance during your exercise routines. With low levels, you may experience fatigue and a decrease in performance.
Sources: grass-fed beef, quinoa, chickpeas

10. Potassium
This mineral is crucial to prevent cramping during exercise. It works in conjunction with sodium for muscle contractions and nerve impulses.
Sources: bananas, cantaloupe, tuna, sweet potatoes, avocados


June 15, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Quickly

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Go for a walk.
Take a buddy, pet, or use it as time to sit with your own thoughts.
2. Breathe!
Take some time each day to do some breathing exercises and/or meditate. Life isn’t that serious!
3. Laugh!
Laughing is very healthy for overall longevity. If things in your day don’t naturally make you laugh, set aside 5 minutes a day to listen to a comedian, go to the “Humor” section of Pinterest, or talk with your funniest friend/family member.
4. Let go of what you can’t control, and focus on what you can.
What good does worrying do? It won’t change the outcome, and it keeps you from enjoying the present.
5. Get more sleep.
Waking up feeling refreshed can help regulate your hormones and keep your body on a healthy rhythm.
6. Talk it out.
Don’t let things build up and hold everything inside. Confide in a close friend or family member, or even seek out the help of a professional if need be.
7. Hug it out!
Sometimes just the touch of another human being, or even an animal, can instantly lower your stress levels. Why do you think it’s so important for moms to hold their babies closely?
8. Think about all the good times.
Remember the good and strive to keep adding to those good memories, just don’t get lost there and stay there. Keep moving forward!
9. Smile!
Sometimes you can turn around a person’s bad day, even a stranger, just by offering up this simple gesture. You’ll reap the benefits of giving back, and that person will know that someone in their day cares. Plus, positivity is contagious!
10. Find the good in each situation.
Maybe you lost your job. It may not seem like the ideal situation, but you can use that time to start new, healthy hobbies or improve upon your resume and gain valuable experience to be where you want to be. Remember, not every loss is truly a loss, sometimes it’s a gain.


June 11, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 8 Tips To Eat Healthy While Traveling

8 Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling

1. At the Airport, Look for Real, Whole Food
There is usually fruit and raw nuts/seeds available at the quick-stop shops, and some restaurants have grilled chicken breast that you can order and take on the plane with you.
2. Keep Drinking Water
It’s easy to get dehydrated during a flight, so avoid alcohol or sodas and opt for water. You may want to limit caffeine during your flight as well due to its diuretic effect, which could further dehydrate you.
3. Stay on Track
You’ve already created a regular routine, so why stray? Yes, you may need to adjust things here and there, but for the most part, it isn’t too difficult to have your snacks at their scheduled times. Just be sure to always have your snacks packed in case plans change/flights get delayed/etc.
4. Bring Your Own Food
Before heading out the door, pack things like fruit, nuts, seeds and unopened containers of Grek yogurt and water. You’ll not only be prepared but you’ll save loads of money from the overpriced airport restaurants and/or restaurants/pit stops during a road trip.
5. Personalize Your Meals
If you must eat out, choose places that allow you to “build your own” type of meal where you can pick and choose the ingredients.
6. Speak Up!
Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions of fruit or veggies in place of fries. Most restaurants are very accommodating. Or you can bring some fruit with you as your own side.
7. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Those continental breakfasts usually aren’t nutritionally sound, and honestly who wants eggs that have been left in a heater for hours? It’s super easy to pack ingredients for the Dolce Diet Breakfast Bowl (in Living Lean Cookbook) and use the in-room coffee pot to heat up your water.
8. Wording is Key
Choose options that say “grilled,” “roasted,” “poached,” or “baked.”


June 10, 2015

THE MIKE DOLCE SHOW – Ep. 102 Live With Thiago Alves & Mirsad Bektic

The Mike Dolce Show – A Fitness Podcast

Mike has a candid conversation with top UFC contenders Thiago “Pitbull” Alves and Mirsad Bektic just ahead of their upcoming fights.
Mike Dolce is the 2013 World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, 2014 NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and 2014 Men’s Fitness Top 30 Game Changer for fitness. As the founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves and more!
His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit, and
Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!




January 18, 2015

THE MIKE DOLCE SHOW: Ep. 99 New Year's Show Part 1

In this episode of the Mike Dolce Show, Mike discusses how we can better ourselves in 2015, battling lifestyle related illnesses, getting out of financial distress, motivation, re-committing to our goals and more!
Mike Dolce is the 2013 World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, 2014 NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and 2014 Men’s Fitness Top 30 Game Changer for fitness. As the founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves and more!
His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit, and


December 31, 2014

Buying, Storing, Preparing and Cooking Meat

Buying, Storing, Preparing and Cooking Meat

At the Dolce Diet we love meat! However, it is one of the main culprits of foodborne illness. With the holidays upon us, and lots of hosting/dinners to plan, be sure to practice safe food handling so you don’t send your guests to the hospital!


• Check to make sure your meat/poultry has the Safe Food Handling label on the packaging. This label is representative of safe processing and includes safety tips for handling and cooking.
• Be sure that meat is packed/wrapped tightly and is cold.
• Get your meat last so that it doesn’t start to warm up in the cart and make sure it’s wrapped separately from other foods (a produce bag is perfect for this).


• Meat should be stored in the coldest part of the fridge or in the meat drawer
• You should use meat within 3 to 4 days of purchase
• Ground and organ meats should be tossed after 2 days in the fridge
• When freezing, be sure it is wrapped in a freezer-safe container at or below 0 degrees F.
• Frozen or cooked meat should be eaten within 3 to 4 days.
• Keep meat out of the Temperature Danger Zone (40 – 140 degrees F)


• Always wash hands prior to handling meat by washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before, during and after handling.
• Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and raw vegetables/fruits to prevent cross-contamination.
• Never defrost meat on the counter. Defrost in the fridge or microwave on the defrost setting. If thawing via microwave, cook immediately as parts of the meat may start to warm/cook during the defrost process. (The Dolce Diet does not recommend using the microwave.)
• Do not re-freeze meat once thawed.


• Use a thermometer to cook meat to proper temperatures.
• Proper cooking temperatures for different meats vary and are important to kill harmful bacteria
• Ground meat: 160 degrees F
• Beef, pork, veal and lamb: 145 degrees F
• Poultry: 165 degrees F
• Leftovers: 165 degrees F
• Never leave cooked meat out of the fridge for more than two hours.


December 11, 2014

THE MIKE DOLCE SHOW – Ep. 98 Say No To Dirty Drawers

In this episode of the Mike Dolce Show fitness podcast, Mike discusses how to lean out and gain muscle, IIFYM (if it fits your macros), why you should eat more than 3 meals a day and more!
Mike Dolce is the 2013 World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, 2014 NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and 2014 Men’s Fitness Top 30 Game Changer for fitness. As the founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves and more!
His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit, and


December 1, 2014