DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 7 Ways to Get to Sleep Faster

7 Ways to Help You Get to Sleep Faster

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

We all know that sleep is crucial for overall wellness, and is a key component in building muscle and increasing performance. Rest is part of the program! So here are some tips to help you get a better night’s sleep so you can keep making GAINZ!
1. Avoid Alcohol
You’ll wake up constantly throughout the night while it is metabolizing.
2. Stop Smoking
The nicotine acts a stimulant, which will make it that much harder to fall asleep if you have one before bed.
3. Reduce Your Sugar Intake
Sugar raises your blood sugar, which tells your brain it’s good to go instead of letting it settle and rest.
4. No Caffeine Before Bed
Obviously this is best reserved for throughout the day, but try to avoid it at least 2-4 hours before bed. Opt for chamomile tea instead to relax you.
5. Limit Your Water Intake as Bedtime Approaches
Staying hydrated during the day is great, but start to taper it as the evening sets in, otherwise you’ll be up constantly to use the restroom.
6. Reduce Your Salt Intake
Excessive salt can dehydrate you, making sleep harder to come by.
7. Don’t Eat Too Close to Bed Time
It is best to give yourself about 2 hours between your last meal and attempting to fall asleep. Not only will it allow for some digestion to begin, but you’ll avoid heartburn or GI discomfort from laying down immediately and letting gravity take over.

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