The Real Problem with Fat Loss (and Why It’s Not Just About Exercise)

What’s up, everybody?

Mike Dolce here, four-time World MMA Trainer of the Year. Watch the video below to learn the real problem with fat loss!

We’ve all been there. You want to lose weight and get in shape, so you join a gym—whether it’s Planet Fitness, LA Fitness, or Lifetime Fitness. You hit the weights, follow a routine, and expect results. But after months (or even years), you still don’t have the body you want. What’s going wrong?

The truth is, your gym membership might actually be your biggest problem when it comes to fat loss. Surprising, right? Everyone tells you that exercise is the key to weight loss. You think you’re doing everything right by lifting weights and doing cardio, but the results don’t show.

You know what I see when I walk into the gym? The same people, doing the same exercises, year after year, and guess what? They look exactly the same. No six-pack abs. No shredded muscles. Just what I call “bubble gum bodies”—chewed up and spit out on the gym floor after endless bench presses and squats. So, what gives?

Why Exercise Alone Won’t Get You Lean

You might be thinking, “But everyone says exercise is important for losing weight!” And yes, exercise is important. But exercise alone won’t make you lean. In fact, it’s probably holding you back from fat loss. Think about it: You work out for maybe 45 minutes to an hour, 3-4 days a week. That’s great, but what about the other 23 hours in your day? That’s where the real problem lies.

Most people believe they can out-exercise a bad diet. They hit the gym, sweat it out, and then head home to eat pizza, Chipotle, or maybe even a “healthy” turkey sandwich. The problem? One bad meal, even if you’ve worked out, can ruin all your progress.

When you strip off your clothes and look in the mirror, you won’t see the hard work from the gym. You’ll see your poor food choices—the cookies, the chips, the pizza. It’s all hanging around your belly, love handles, or thighs.

Nutrition: The Real Key to Fat Loss

If you want to get lean, nutrition is what matters most. You can train hard every day, but if your diet isn’t on point, you’ll never see the results you want. Here’s the challenge: Follow a nutrient-dense, whole food-only nutrition plan for 30 days. No processed foods, no sugars, no alcohol. Just real food. Pair that with 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio each day.

What will happen? You’ll likely lose 10-20 pounds in just 30 days without even stepping into the gym. That’s the power of nutrition.

If you’re ready to make a real change, it’s time to focus on what you’re eating, not just how you’re exercising. Want guidance? Join our 3 Weeks to Shredded or 12 Week Living Lean programs at and get a personalized meal plan to help you reach your goals. Use promo code MIKEDOLCESHOW for 20% off.

Time to Get Serious

Yes, go to the gym. Yes, work out. But remember: What you do outside the gym is what truly transforms your body. Stick to a clean, whole-food diet and watch the fat melt away. You’ve got this!

As you dive into your fitness journey, we want to make it even easier for you to jump-start your results. That’s why we’re offering a FREE download of our “3 Days to Shred” guide, inspired by the success of my “3 Weeks to Shredded” program! This quick, yet effective, plan is designed to help you shed excess weight in just three days. Whether you’re prepping for an event or just want to kick-start your progress, this guide will give you the tools you need to see real results in a short amount of time.