DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 4 Ways to Fight off Anxiety

4 Ways to Fight off Anxiety

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

There are many different levels of meditation. You can sit alone quietly for a few minutes or a few hours. You can also actively work on being aware of your thoughts without changing them (keep it positive). Envision yourself in a positive situation. Everyone is different. Sitting in a field of flowers is not necessarily tranquil for everyone. For others, tranquility may be their favorite theme park or museum. But just envision yourself there, and you should feel an instant calm.
Some of my best workouts come on my worst days. Exercise offers a great physical and chemical release. The brain releases endorphins that provide a calming effect, and sometimes when you’re super tense, slamming down a barbell from overhead just feels good. Regular exercise also promotes better sleep patterns, which will also improve anxiety symptoms.
Get Off Social Media
More and more studies are coming out with results that state that social media actually raises anxiety levels. Recently break up with someone or end a friendship? That obsessive feeling to stalk his/her Facebook and Instagram will only send your anxiety through the roof. Just worry about yourself, and stop trying to impress everyone with what’s going on in your life. Just give yourself small time periods during the day to check social media.
Figure Out Why You’re Stressed
What in your life is going on? Is it work-related? Personal? Relationship-related? Health-related? Whatever it may be, you need to harness your energy and really focus on what is stressing you out. Focus on one thing at a time, and try to calm yourself down one step at a time.
