5 Earth-Grown Essentials for Problem Skin

5 Earth Grown Essentials for Problem Skin

By Amber Lowry

We all know that eating earth-grown nutrients play a major role in good health, but these foods are often left out of the skincare conversation. If you find that your face is lackluster or problematic, try these natural ingredients:

1. Honey

Honey is naturally antibacterial, making it great for face masks, spot treatments and cleansing. It’s also beneficial for fading acne scars and promoting hydrated skin. Use raw honey or Manuka honey to receive the best benefits.

2. Rose water

Naturally soothing and moisturizing, rose water works wonders as a toner. Rose water is beneficial for both oily and dry skin due to its acne-fighting and pH balancing properties. After cleansing, apply rose water with a cotton ball to promote smooth, hydrated skin.

3. Clay

Used as a natural detoxifier and exfoliating agent, clay masks work to absorb excess sebum in oily skin, draw out toxins and promote acne healing. Some popular kinds of clay are bentonite for acne-prone skin, French green for oily to normal skin and kaolin for more sensitive or dry skin types. Blended with liquids like spring water or lemon juice, it’s important to wash these powerful masks off before they start to completely dry or flake so they don’t overly dry out skin.

4. Lemon

Lemons are antiseptic, making them awesome for controlling bacteria that can lead to acne. Lemon juice is also great for balancing oily skin and lightening acne scars. High in vitamin C, lemons naturally encourage the production of collagen. Pair it with a clay mask to increase the benefits of both.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Known as the poster child of vinegars in various health circles, apple cider vinegar helps to restore pH balance, reduce inflammation and kill harmful bacteria once applied onto skin. To avoid potential irritation and minimize the strong scent, dilute with water before applying with a cotton ball after cleansing.