6 Ways To Feel Better Right Now

6 Ways To Feel Better Right Now

By Amber Lowry

When trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, it can be overwhelming to see all the ways you can change your lifestyle habits. Combine that with the stress of everyday life and it’s easy to feel discouraged on days when your will isn’t strong. This can lead to completely falling off the wagon, but it doesn’t have to. During those inevitable low points, it’s important to stay on track. Here are a few simple tips for staying healthy during those tough moments.

1. Make your next cup of coffee decaf

Nothing is wrong with consuming caffeine, but abusing it can irritate the cardiovascular and nervous systems, promoting issues like rapid heartbeat, anxiety and headaches. Despite there being no clear caffeine guidelines, limiting your intake to two cups a day can help curb potential complications. Switching to decaf is great for getting your coffee fix while possibly avoiding any unwanted side effects of too much caffeine.

2. Stand up and do 10 bodyweight squats

Most of us spend our days sitting at a desk, so taking the time to get up and do 10 body weight squats can provide health benefits that include burning more fat, and promoting digestive health and blood flow throughout the body. If you’re shy about doing squats next to your desk, use your next bathroom break as an excuse to complete a set. Try doing as many sets of 10 as possible during the day.

3. Take 5 belly breaths

Taking a few belly breaths can be as easy as forgetting to breathe deeply in the first place, but with some mindful practices you can change this. Setting reminders on your phone or simply associating quiet time as an opportunity to take a few necessary deep breaths can help promote calmness and an overall improved mood.

4. Write down a goal for the day

Staying goal-orientated can provide a clear line of action that helps maintain accountability as well help you feel more in control of your life. It doesn’t have to be complicated; just grab a pen and piece of paper and write down what you want to accomplish that day. Do one or as many as you feel you can realistically tackle by bedtime.

5. Drink a glass of water

A common side effect of hectic modern life is forgetting to drink water. Taking a minute to grab a glass of water can be a great excuse to not only stay hydrated, but to get up and give your eyes a break from the screen for a few crucial moments.

6. Compliment someone

Taking time to see outside of yourself can do a great deal of good for both you and those around you. Try complimenting someone to help shift mental perspective toward positivity and gratitude for others while improving relationships. You could even compliment yourself as an expression of self-love. Just remember that every little choice feeds either a positive or negative perspective, which can dictate the progress of your health journey.

Cappelletti, S., Daria, P., Sani, G., & Aromatario, M. (2015). Caffeine: Cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug? Current Neuropharmacology, 13(1), 71-88.
Mercola, J. (2012). 8 Reasons to Do Squat Exercises. Mercola.com. http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/05/25/darin-steen-demonstrates-the-perfect-squat.aspx
