7 Ways to Fall Asleep AND Stay Asleep!

7 Ways to Fall Asleep AND Stay Asleep!

By Nicole Kiley, MSc, RD

1. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol.

While some people metabolize caffeine quickly, others have a slower, more sustained response. To avoid interfering with sleep, avoid caffeine 5 to 6 hours before bedtime. Although alcohol may help one to relax and fall asleep, it also acts as a stimulant and will increase the number of awakenings during the night. Limit both caffeine and alcohol before bed for quality, sustained sleep.

2. Avoid Large Meals Before Bed.

We’ve all been there. Nothing worse than being too full or bloated to fall asleep. Getting home late from work and starving? Before you shovel down your entire refrigerator, slow down, sit at the table and enjoy a sensibly-portioned dinner. Chew foods completely and enjoy the flavor of the meal. Half-way through your meal ask yourself if you are still hungry. By slowing down and becoming more intuitive, you will be able discontinue eating when you are comfortably satisfied and enjoy a great night of sleep!

3. Exercise, But Exercise Earlier.

We all know that exercise is important for stress management and general health, but did you know it also helps with sleep? Studies show that regular exercisers report better quality of sleep than non-exercisers. But, while physical activity is great for managing stress, it also awakens the body. For those who struggle to fall asleep, late night exercise may not be for you. Reschedule your workouts for early in the morning or right after work.

4. Ditch the Electronics Before Bed.

The blue light emitted from technology screens inhibit the production of sleep hormone melatonin. A reduction in melatonin makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. In addition, engaging in electronics before bed can stimulate the brain to stay awake. Prioritize your sleep by setting your phone to silent and disengaging from electronics 60 minutes before bed.

5. Establish a Soothing Pre-Sleep Ritual.

Take a hot shower and change into some unfashionable, cozy clothes. Whatever it is that gets you relaxed, comfortable and sleepy, do it!

6. Remove the Clock! Having trouble sleeping?

Resist the urge to look at the clock! It will only increase anxiety and keep you awake longer. Stay relaxed with your eyes closed and think happy thoughts (no work allowed!).

7. Invest in Blackout Curtains & Manage Fluid Intake.

You’ve finally fallen asleep! Don’t wake up from the disturbing outside light or sensation of needing to pee! By staying proactive with your fluid intake early in the day, you can ease off as bedtime nears. That way once you do fall asleep, you’re there for good!