3 Questions To Ask Before Taking Supplements


3 Questions To Ask Before Taking Supplements

by Nicole Kiley, MSc, RD

Today it seems that just about anywhere you go there is a supplement shop, company rep, or “healthy” vitamin and mineral aisle. While dietary supplements are sold in abundance, they fail to receive the same regulation as over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications. As a consumer it is important that you are informed and ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do I really need it?

Food is the foundation of health. No supplement will ever replace the benefits of sound nutrition. In certain instances, such as diagnosed health conditions or food allergies like vegetarianism/veganism, athletics, etc., a supplement might be warranted. It is important to first identify whether or not there is a true need.

2. Should I consult my doctor or registered dietitian?

It is important to obtain the counsel of a qualified health professional before taking dietary supplements. Supplements may have potential side effects, interact with medications, or become toxic in certain amounts. Consulting your physician and/or dietitian will help you determine whether or not a supplement is appropriate and beneficial.

3. Is this a high-quality and safe product?

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers educational material on standards for labeling, warnings and safety information regarding dietary supplements, the FDA does not test the efficacy or safety of dietary supplements.
Understanding efficacy: Consult your physician or registered dietitian to learn whether or not research supports supplementation.
Understanding safety: Select a product that has been third-party tested. The National Science Foundation (NSF), among others, protects consumers by testing harmful levels of contaminants and certifies that supplements contain the ingredients listed on the label and nothing else.
For a list of NSF tested supplements click here.
For a list of Informed Choice tested supplements click here.

Sources: nsf.org & nutrition.gov
