3 Reasons To Eat More Often Than You Currently Are


3 Reasons To Eat More Often

by Nicole Kiley, MSc, RD

Here at The Dolce Diet we promote eating every 2-4 hours, until you are satisfied not until you’re full. Here’s why:
1) Increased Metabolism
It requires energy (calories) for the body to convert food to fuel. This process is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). Frequent meals throughout the day keep our metabolism humming like a well-tuned machine.
2) Stable Blood Sugar and Appetite
Our body reacts hormonally to each and every environment it’s in. When we go long periods without eating (blood sugar drops), our body releases the stress hormone cortisol. A rise in cortisol will spike cravings, increase fat storage and decrease immunity. We’ve all felt the physical effects of waiting too long to eat. Some of the emotions that come to mind for myself include anger, anxiety, weakness and even desperation! And let’s be honest, has anyone ever grabbed for a carrot when they’re “starving?” The key to kicking the cravings and keeping your metabolism high is stable blood sugar.
3) Meeting Daily Micronutrient Needs
While it is rather simple to meet your daily calorie and macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, fat) needs, it can be difficult to meet your micronutrient needs (vitamins and minerals). Eating 3 to 6 times per day gives you more opportunities to nourish your body – a little potassium at breakfast (yogurt), vitamin C at lunch (broccoli), vitamin A (carrots) in the afternoon, and so on. Meeting your micronutrient needs requires adequate calories and meal variety! Don’t count calories, make calories count! In most cases, the rest will fall into place.