3 Tricks To Stick To Your Workout

3 Tricks To Stick To Your Workout

1. Don’t overdo it

One way to put a stop to your new exercise habit before it even gets off the ground? Getting hurt. Beginners (or people just returning to fitness after a long break) need to be careful about trying to do too much, too soon, which can leave you sore and exhausted—or worse yet, with a real injury that will keep you sidelined for even longer. It’s normal to have some muscle aches and stiffness a day or two after working out muscles you haven’t used in a while, but if you start to feel sick or overly tired, you could be training too hard. Following a training plan (like Mike Dolce’s online training program “3 Weeks to Shredded”) and working with a registered dietitian can help you make sure you’re progressing at a reasonable pace.

2. Make it convenient

Think about when, where, and how your workout can best (and most easily) fit into your daily routine. You don’t want to travel far to get to a gym, or the likelihood of going will decrease immensely. For some people, a gym near the office will help them squeeze in a workout before work or during their lunch break; for others, working out at home or at a gym near their house is more convenient.

3. Pay for it (No, really!)

Being accountable with money is a good thing. If you invest in a fitness regimen, you’re more likely to work harder to get your money’s worth. If you can afford it, joining an upscale gym or splurging on boutique fitness classes could be just the thing you need to force yourself to actually go. Or, bribe yourself with smaller investments—treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes or a new GPS watch, for example.

Source: health.com
