9 Best High Protein Foods For Muscle Gain

9 Best High Protein Foods For Muscle Gain

If you’re on the hunt for the best high-protein foods for muscle gain, you’re in the right place. 

In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the world of protein-packed nutrition to help you build muscles effectively and naturally. 

So, keep reading because we’ve got a free resource waiting for you at the end that will supercharge your muscle-building efforts.

Let’s dive in…

The Importance Of High-Protein Foods For Muscle Growth

The secret sauce to muscle building lies in your diet — and the right high-protein foods can make all the difference in your muscle gain journey. 

But with all the gimmicks flying around in the name “muscle building diet plan”, how do you know the right protein food actually helps build muscles? 

I’ve compiled the answer for you in the list below…

The Top 9 Best Source Of High Protein Foods For Muscle Gain 

Here’s a list of the right selection of protein foods you can load up on to build muscle mass:

  1. Lean Grass-Fed Beef

Beef, the king of muscle-building foods, takes the top spot on our list. But not just any beef – opt for lean grass-fed grass-finished beef. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids and contains creatine, essential for strength and muscle gain.

  1. Organic Chicken and Turkey

Poultry, especially the organic kind, offers a better omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. It’s high in vitamin B6, crucial for protein metabolism, and a great source of selenium, an antioxidant protecting your cells.

  1. Wild-Caught Salmon

Wild-caught salmon, a favorite among fitness enthusiasts, is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, rich in vitamin D for strong bones, and contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are a complete protein source with all nine essential amino acids. They’re high in choline, promoting brain health, and offer approximately six grams of protein per egg.

  1. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese, often underrated, is a slow-digesting protein source rich in casein. It’s an excellent calcium source for bone health and contains live cultures for gut health.

  1. Whey Protein Isolate

When you need a protein boost, whey protein isolate comes to the rescue. It enhances muscle protein synthesis and aids post-workout recovery, making it ideal for serious athletes.

  1. Chia Seeds

For plant-based protein enthusiasts, chia seeds are a warrior’s choice. Rich in both protein and fiber, they provide magnesium for muscle strength and antioxidants for exercise performance.

  1. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are another plant-based powerhouse, boasting nine grams of protein per three tablespoons. They’re packed with magnesium and contribute to muscle strength and recovery.

  1. Organic Chicken and Turkey

Poultry, especially the organic kind, offers a better omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. It’s high in vitamin B6, crucial for protein metabolism, and a great source of selenium, an antioxidant protecting your cells.

Now that you have the scoop on the top high protein foods for muscle gain, all that is left is to know when, why, and how to use them in your diet.

Watch this video where I explain the best ways to combine these high-protein foods in your diet for muscle gain. 


And as promised, below is your free resource to supercharge your muscle-building journey. Click the download button to get it. 

So there you go…

Incorporate these high-protein foods into your meals, adjust portion sizes to your needs, and stay consistent with your workouts.

Remember, building muscle takes time and dedication. Stay committed to your training regimen and nourish your body with these high protein foods. With patience and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the muscle gain you desire.

If you found this post helpful, you have my permission to share it with anyone you know would need it.


Mike Dolce