DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 7 Steps to Success in 2015


7 Steps to Success in 2015

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1) Eat Right
You can bust your butt in the gym every day for an hour, but what you do in those other 23 hours is what’s really important. You simply can’t out-train a poor diet. And the better you feel overall, the more productive and happy you will be. Wellness encompasses so many more things than what you look like in the mirror. Do you FEEL better? That’s the goal. Remember the Dolce Diet Principles!
2) Get Physically Active
Being physically active reduces your likelihood for developing chronic diseases and conditions such as, heart disease and diabetes. Did you know that physical activity produces an insulin-like effect in the blood, which helps reduce blood sugar? Stabilizing blood sugars is crucial to prevent the onset of fatigue/confusion and aids in lowering your risk for diabetes development.
3) Stay Organized
There are so many ways to keep your schedule in an organized spot. You can use your phone, tablet, computer, or just go the old-fashioned way, like I do, and use a day planner/desk calendar to write down all your appointments, events, activities, and even your eating and workout schedule. The more organized you are, the more likely you are to stay on track with your other goals.
4) Write Down Your Goals
Until you’ve written down your goals, they are just puffs of white noise. Being able to go back and visualize your goal every day or week will make it more likely for you to achieve those goals. And don’t be afraid to modify your goals! Changing them doesn’t make them failures. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew, and only until we realize what we are truly capable of can we go back and reassess a more realistic approach.
5) Spend More Time Doing the Things You Love
Like to read? Pick a new book to read every week or two, or join a book club. Like hiking with friends? Plan a bi-monthly weekend excursion. Hate your job? Find a career you’re passionate about. You should never dread your work, that’s what makes it feel like work. Don’t be confused, you must work hard to succeed, but you can still do that by doing something you enjoy. Don’t just work for the paycheck. If you enjoy the work you do, you will likely be more productive and produce better quality work.
6) Try Something New
Don’t get stuck in a rut. Get out there and try something you’ve never done before. Always wanted to try CrossFit? Grab a friend and drop in for an intro class. Get out of your comfort zone! It may be scary at first, but sometimes change is good. It doesn’t just have to be some physical activity either. Try new foods, read new genres of books, go to the theater, go paddle boarding, volunteer at an animal shelter, dye your hair, get a tattoo (just remember that one’s a lifetime commitment!). There is so much you probably haven’t experienced yet! And you don’t have to break the bank to do so.
7) Don’t Dwell on the Past. Let It Go! (not to quote Disney’s Frozen – just sayin’)
The past year may have brought heartbreak, sorrow, sadness, emptiness or confusion at times. This is the perfect time to start anew. As hard as it may feel in this moment, letting go will truly set you free to accomplish things you never thought possible. Whether it was a break-up, a death, a big move away from those you are close to, you can’t change the past, and worrying won’t make it better, especially if you’ve done your best. By letting go, you will free yourself. It will take time though. And everyone heals at a different rate. Take all the time you need. You’re the one who has to live your life. Remember, you don’t NEED anyone or anything to make you happy or realize your self-worth. You may WANT those things in your life, which is very different. But you carve your own path, and you don’t need anyone else’s approval or recognition to do so. Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from living your life!
