DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 10 Foods That Can Help Build Muscle

10 Foods That Can Help Build Muscle

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Olive Oil
The monounsaturated fatty acids help joints stay lubricated and aid in the prevention of muscle breakdown. Remember not to cook with olive oil, but to use it as a dressing due to its low smoke point.
2. Sunflower Seeds (shelled)
These little guys provide an impressive 25 grams of protein per 100 gram serving.
3. Eggs
Packed with vitamin D, protein and fat, these little power pellets are essential for gaining muscle. Remember, eggs are considered the “gold standard” in protein quality.
4. Coffee
Some studies have shown that coffee can actually help ease muscle pain and increases performance if consumed prior to your workout. Higher intensity equals higher results, so if you want to ramp up your routine, try a shot of espresso pre-workout to get you moving.
5. Grass-Fed Beef
The grass-fed variety tends to have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – a fatty acid that acts an antioxidant and has been linked to lowering body fat.
6. Quinoa
A great carb source that is also a complete protein. This is essentially the bodybuilder’s perfect carb.
7. Broccoli
The vitamin C content is responsible for collagen growth and repair, a key component in muscle tissue. We can also include spinach here as well for its vitamin C content.
8. Free-Range Turkey
A fantastic source of protein and glutamine – an amino acid responsible for protein synthesis.
9. Red Peppers
Again, high vitamin C content and often a better choice than their green counterparts.
10. Water
How else are we going to rehydrate those muscles? One of the primary components of muscle tissue is water at about 75%.
