DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 7 Ways to Motivate Yourself To Do Anything

7 Ways to Motivate Yourself To Do Anything

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Focus on the Next Positive Step
Leave behind any negative thoughts and focus on the positive future ahead.
2. Be Confident in Yourself
Nothing is more attractive than loving yourself and realizing your own worth. You attract what you give out.
3. Smile & Laugh!
Your happiness is based on YOUR attitude, not that of those around you. Be thankful with what you’ve been blessed with and appreciate the journey to get what you’re searching for.
4. Take Action Now
Don’t push things off until tomorrow, Monday, or next year. Baby steps are key. You can make great strides right now by taking the tiniest of steps forward.
5. You Are Priceless To Someone (and probably to many others!)
Love and appreciate those who love and appreciate you. Cut ties with those who only drag you down. Don’t give them the attention they’re looking for. We all have haters, as great as we may be. “You may be a peach, but there will always be someone who doesn’t like peaches.”
6. Make the Best of It
You go through every success, heartbreak, and disappointment for a reason. It shapes the person you become and continues to shape you. It may be hard in the moment, but everything happens for reason. For example, just the other day, I was at a red light, and I was looking down picking at my nail polish (I know, terrible habit!), however, I didn’t see the light turn green. Good thing I didn’t because a Camry on my left blew the red light, which would have probably killed me if I started to go. Be thankful for those weird little happenings in your day.
7. If It Matters to You, You’ll Find Time for It
Whether it’s a workout, relationship, appointment, etc., if it holds value to you, you will find time to handle it. Task lists are great for this purpose. Prioritize your day so that if you don’t quite get through the whole list, the less important stuff is fine not getting attended to.