DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Bye-Bye Bra Fat! At-Home Back and Chest Exercises

At-Home Back and Chest Exercises

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

woman_tone_back_pic*You’ll need some light dumbbells (8-10 lbs.) or something similar to use in each hand


• Start by lying on the ground with hands just outside the shoulders.
• Trying to keep your body as straight as possible, push yourself up into a plank position, then return to the floor. This is one rep.
• Repeat for 3 sets of 10.

Triceps Dips

• Use a chair or bench and face away from it. Place your palms firmly on the chair with butt slightly elevated from the floor, feet firmly planted.
• Engaging the triceps, push your body upward, then return to starting position, never resting on the floor.
• Repeat for 3 sets of 10.

Bent Over Rows

• Take a dumbbell in each hand.
• Bend torso to an ALMOST 90 degree angle (more like 75 degrees), or whatever is naturally comfortable to keep a tight, neutral back.
• Pull the elbows back so that the dumbbells reach your chest, then return to starting position.
• Repeat for 3 sets of 10.

Chest Flys

• Start on the ground on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Position your arms into a T position, but with forearms perpendicular to the floor.
• Now bring the dumbbells together in front of your chest, and return to starting position. Try not to let your arms rest on the ground between reps.


• Start on your stomach in a “Superman” position (arms and legs elevated off the ground). Branch your arms to make a Y shape, and hold for 2 seconds.
• Then brings your arms down further to make a T shape, and hold for 2 seconds.
• Then bring your arms down to your side to make an I shape, and hold for 2 seconds. Then rest.
• Repeat for 10 sets.
* For an added challenge, you can use small weight plates (2.5 or 5 lbs) in each hand, or very light dumbbells.

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