DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Top 6 Exercise Myths


Top 6 Exercise Myths

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Myth #1:

Heart Rate Monitors are a good, accurate indicator of your intensity
The chips can falter easily. It is better to use your own body’s cues. If you can still comfortably talk while you’re exercising, then your intensity is fairly low to moderate. If you can barely form a sentence and are breathing hard, you’re at a high intensity level.

Myth #2:

The calorie counter on the cardio machine is accurate
Calorie burn is dependent on age, sex, intensity level and fitness level. A monitor has no way of taking all of these factors into account. It is a mere estimate of calories burned. Sometimes they can be off by hundreds of calories above or below.

Myth #3:

Low intensity exercise burns more fat
Higher intensity exercise will burn through carbs first, but you’ll also burn more calories. After you’ve used up all your carb reserves, then fat will be utilized.

Myth #4:

Your weight is an indicator of your fitness level
Muscle is more dense than fat, so if you weigh more, and you have a fair amount of muscle, you will likely be more fit than another individual who weighs the same as you, but has a higher body fat percentage.

Myth #5:

As long as you work out, you can eat whatever you want
It’s important to hit all your micros so that you can properly metabolize your macros, which fuel you during your workouts. The quality of the food you eat will affect your performance and weight loss. You will be more likely to hit a PR while eating the Breakfast Bowl and the Skinny Sumo Stir-Fry than you will with donuts and cheeseburgers.

Myth #6:

Cardio should be done in the morning on an empty stomach to burn more fat (fasted cardio)
In a fasted state (typically about 8 hours without eating, sometimes more), your metabolism is at its lowest, which is when it’s most crucial to fuel it. By eating prior to exercise, you’ll be fueled for the duration of your workout, your brain will thank you for delaying fatigue and you’ll be starting up your metabolism for the day.

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3 replies on “DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Top 6 Exercise Myths”

I like the short and sweet articles vs a long form. Quick, informative and to the point. Thanks Dolces!

Thanks, Branden! Our goal, as always, is to educate, inform and entertain while making health and fitness success easy and attainable for you! Thanks for the feedback. Looking forward to seeing you on here!!!

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