DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 3 Healthy Alternatives to Sugar

3 Healthy Alternatives to Sugar

Sometimes we want to add a touch of sweetness to our green tea, coffee or Blueberry Madness. Here are some tasty and healthy ways to kick up the sweetness without using cane sugar or artificial sweeteners.

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1) Raw Honey
Often referred to as the “Nectar of the Gods”, honey has tons of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant properties. It is often coined for its antibacterial benefits, and is excellent to incorporate post-surgery or post-sunburn either orally or directly to the burn/cut. Also, go for raw since none of the nutrients will be lost during the heating process.
2. Stevia
Stevia is an all-natural sweetener that is derived from the herb Stevia rebaudiana from Paraguay. You can find stevia in crystal or liquid forms. Try to go for stevia in the raw if you can. Some common brand names include: Truvia, SweetLeaf, and Stevita.
3. Coconut Sugar
This unprocessed sugar has a similar taste to brown sugar. And it is packed with nutrients, such as, iron, zinc, potassium, and B vitamins. It melts/bakes like sugar, but doesn’t induce the same glycemic response on the blood as regular sugar!
