DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Weird Health & Fitness Facts You Didn't Know

Weird Health & Fitness Facts You Didn’t Know


Despite the expense, it is thought that 80% of Americans who have a gym membership don’t go to the gym.

To Wear a Smaller Pants Size, You Should Gain Weight
We’re talking muscle weight! If two people both weigh 195 pounds and just one lifts weights, the lifter will more likely fit into a smaller pant size than his sedentary counterpart. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, but muscle takes up less space.

You can’t target fat loss – fat loss is systemic.

Eat more to eat less
You may think gobbling down a 100-calorie snack pack of cookies or pretzels is a good idea, but it’s more likely to make you hungrier than if you ate something more substantial. But eating a small amounts of carbohydrates only spikes your blood sugar and can leave you craving more carbs. Instead, pair some peanut butter with an apple. This snack is higher in calories per serving, but the protein and fat will help you stay full longer and the quality of calories you ingest is higher.

Eating at night does not make you fat – overeating does.

Drink water when you’re bloated
Yes! Water mixes with water soluble fiber which helps keep your gut’s content moving right along, hence reducing bloating.” Also, if you’re dehydrated your body will hold onto any water your body does have, making you bloated. So drink more water!

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Many people hit the gym to hit on other people
We know, shocker! But it’s true… out of 2,000 participants who took part in a study, 50% of them only go the gym to check out the opposite sex or meet with friends. Almost a third of those participants also admitted that they never worked up a sweat at the gym.

The word ‘gymnasium’ comes from the Greek word gymnazein, which means ‘to exercise naked.’


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