Foods You Should Not Refrigerate (But Probably Are)

Should I Be Refrigerating That?

You may think you are doing your produce good by keeping it cool. In reality, certain foods are best kept at room temperature! Take a look at the foods below, some may surprise you.
Potatoes: starches turn to sugar in cool temperatures
Garlic: the cold may make the garlic sprout too early; is also needs air circulation
Avocados: have difficulty ripening in cool temperatures
Tomatoes: refrigeration breaks down the cellular structure of tomato skin, making it mushy
Bananas: like avocados, have difficulty ripening in cool temperatures; the outside skin will also turn brown (the inside typically stays intact)
Melon (uncut)*: will ripen faster; remains sweeter on the countertop
*cut melon must ALWAYS be stored in the fridge
Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines, Cherries & Plums: start them off on the counter, then once they start smelling sweet, transfer them to the fridge
Honey: indefinite shelf-life; will crystallize in the refrigerator