“Mike Dolce is the reason I went to 145.  I had always had a hard time making 155, and when I got into the cage, I was drained because of it.  I knew I needed to make a change and stalked enough people until I got Dolce’s number.
nik-lentz-mike-dolce-photo-tracy-leeI then preceded to text him constantly until he had to reply.  I’m sure he was like, “Who the #$%^ is this guy, and why won’t he leave me alone!”  I got him on the phone and he asked me what I wanted to do with my career.  I told him I wanted to be a world champion and I knew I had the talent to do it, but I was just missing the tools to make it happen.  He said he would work with me as long as I went to 145.  I was scared to death of the thought of dropping that much weight.  Like I said, it was incredibly hard for me to make 155, and now this dude wanted to see me at 145.  I decided what the hell, and said, “Let’s do it.”  When I hung up, I felt like I was going to throw up.  I pictured myself dying in the sauna, but I have not set foot in a sauna or put on a rubber suit since working with him.  The dude is a nutritional genius.  The diet also made it so I had more energy, so now I can work out twice as long.”