DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: The Benefits of Raw Cacao

The Benefits of Raw Cacao

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

We love cacao, not just for the holidays, but as a healthy way to treat yourself (in moderation of course). Cacao, or dark chocolate, is typically raw, fermented and then dried. This process helps to retain as many nutrients as possible. And the only difference between nibs and powder is that the fat has been pressed out of the powder. So feel free to use both in your desserts, just make sure it’s organic.
Here are some of the benefits of this delectable, Dolce-Approved topping. (And remember its cacao, NOT cocoa, which is processed, refined and holds little nutritional value.)
• Helps regulate blood sugar
• Regulates liver detoxification
• Natural blood thinner and can help with blood pressure regulation
• Helps suppress appetite
• Protects the heart and cardiovascular system
• Helps to relax the muscles and improve peristalsis, which improves digestion
• Beneficial for bone health
• There’s enough magnesium in cacao to cure an acute deficiency
• This is a hormone that is naturally produced after exercise, and helps us feel good and satisfied
• This is found naturally in cacao
One of the richest sources of antioxidants
• Helps reduce your risk for cancer and fights off free radical damage
• Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory
• Packed with potassium, selenium, and B vitamins
• Contains over 300 compounds