Breast Milk Storage Safety


Breast Milk Storage Safety

by Samantha Wilkinson, MS, RDN, LD

This post is for our Dolce-Approved moms who are choosing to breastfeed! Congratulations on your little one and kudos to you for breastfeeding. It is no easy feat as you have to watch everything YOU eat in order to keep the milk suitable for your new baby. There are many breast milk storage systems on the market today. No matter which you choose, the quick tips below can help you keep the supply fresh and safe.
Naturally, breast milk is free of bacteria. However, if you pump and save it for later, the milk can become contaminated from the breast shield of the breast pump or the bottle. Be sure to thoroughly wash hands prior to pumping or feeding and always make sure the breast shield is also clean. And NEVER add fresh breast milk to a container that has older breast milk in it.
Safe storage temperatures for breast milk are room temperature for up to four hours, refrigeration for up to 48 hours, or frozen below 0 degrees for 3-6 months. However, once you defrost breast milk, it should be consumed within 24 hours or thrown away. Also remember to never refreeze thawed breast milk.
For more breastfeeding tips, you should seek out the help of a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC).

Source: AND Food & Nutrition Magazine. Sept/Oct 2014 Issue.
