DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 5 Ways to Naturally Clean Out the Body


5 Ways to Naturally Clean Out the Body

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Sometimes certain occasions arise and we may go on junk food benders. After your little stint, use these foods to help get your body back to your normal, healthy self.

Dark, green leafy vegetables

These guys are your most natural multi-vitamin. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, specifically iron and folate, which help to build the immune system and are great body cleansers. Have them raw in salads or wilt them in scrambles and other baked dishes.

Orange Veggies

Think sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and carrots. These guys can help reduce chocolate cravings since they are naturally sweet. Plus the beta-carotene and vitamin A content will help improve hair/skin/nail quality along with maintaining healthy vision.

Whole Grains

High fiber foods are great detoxers since they can help cleanse the colon naturally. Be sure to have some healthy servings of quinoa, amaranth, and oats. Eating whole grains (specifically soluble fiber) absorbs cholesterol in the body, like a sponge, another great way to cleanse the body and keep you healthy.


Avoid any unnatural, processed sugars at all costs. For sweetness, stick to fruits, sweeter vegetables, and other natural sources like honey, agave nectar and coconut sugar. All that artificial stuff will just leave you feeling run-down, bloated and sluggish.

Move Around

Sweating is the body’s way of removing toxins. Along with cooling the body down, the sweat we produce has lots of toxins and salts we don’t need to hold onto. Plus, movement helps improve your metabolism.

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