DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Ab Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

Ab Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Two out of three pregnant women tend to experience a condition known as Diastasis Recti, which is when the abdominal muscles separate (often seen as that post-baby pooch), but can also be corrected through exercise. It can happen to anyone, but is most commonly seen in pregnant women due to their growing bellies.
Not all pregnant women will experience it, but you’re at a greater risk for developing it if you’ve had multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.), have back-to-back pregnancies, are over the age of 35, if you lift too heavy for your fitness level at the time of pregnancy or perform exercises that will exacerbate your chances of separating the muscles. Below are some abdominal exercises that can increase your chance of developing this condition during pregnancy:
• Any type of plank – Causes too much pressure on the abs
• Russian twists – Especially during the first trimester
• Push-ups/Burpees – For the same reasons as planks
• Any crunch variation – These can really aggravate this condition if you already have it
• Quadruped Positions (on all 4s) – Movements like glute kickbacks and Downward Facing Dog put too much weight on the abs (just think about all the weight of your organs lying on the back of your muscles, along with the weight of a baby, and how much pressure that’s creating)

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