DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Best Biceps Movements

Best Biceps Movements

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Working biceps is what most gym-goers love to do, so why not maximize those results? The following biceps movements are a departure from the usual gym routine (with the exception of the first one – which is always a good one to incorporate).

Barbell Curl

• Keep your hands just outside your hips, and try not to use the rest of your body for momentum.
• Pick a weight you can perform the curls with just your biceps.
• Complete 4 sets of 12.

Cable Biceps Curl

• Set up the cable machine so that the pully system is closest to the floor.
• Using the rope handle attachment (same on you’d use for triceps pulldowns), grip the handle with palms facing inwards, and curl.
• Complete 4 sets of 12.

Reverse Cable Curl

• Set up the cable machine so that the pully system is closest to the floor.
• Using the metal curling handle attachment, grip the bar with knuckles facing away from you, and curl up towards your chest.
• Complete 4 sets of 12.

Smith Machine Curl

• Set the bar down on the lowest setting.
• Get yourself under the bar so that your chest will meet the bar, butt off the ground, feet planted on the floor.
• With a traditional chin-up grip, pull yourself up to the bar.
• Complete 4 sets of 15.

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