DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: How To Target Different Muscle Groups on The Leg Press

How To Target Different Muscle Groups on The Leg Press

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

We already know the many benefits of working legs. Now, you can really mix up your routine by changing the foot positioning on both the squat and leg press machine. You’ll target different muscle groups and work them in different ways. This is a great way to change things up without really too much guess work.


• Shoulder-width stance
• Toes pointed forward
• Best for overall leg development

Wide Stance

• Closer to a sumo stance
• Toes pointed forward or slightly outward
• This is best to target the adductors and inner quads

Narrow Stance

• More of a hip-width stance
• Toes pointed forward or slightly outward
• Best for targeting the abductors and outer quads

High Foot Placement

• Same stance as standard, just place the feet up towards the top of the leg press plate
• This will better target the glutes and hamstrings

Low Foot Placement

• Same stance as standard, just place the feet down towards the bottom of the leg press plate
• This position targets the quads overall
BONUS: pointing your toes outward (more like a plie stance) will recruit the glutes in most of these stances, and you’ll feel the engagement of smaller muscle groups to help out the larger groups you’re trying to target.

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