DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 8 Tips To Eat Healthy While Traveling

8 Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling

1. At the Airport, Look for Real, Whole Food
There is usually fruit and raw nuts/seeds available at the quick-stop shops, and some restaurants have grilled chicken breast that you can order and take on the plane with you.
2. Keep Drinking Water
It’s easy to get dehydrated during a flight, so avoid alcohol or sodas and opt for water. You may want to limit caffeine during your flight as well due to its diuretic effect, which could further dehydrate you.
3. Stay on Track
You’ve already created a regular routine, so why stray? Yes, you may need to adjust things here and there, but for the most part, it isn’t too difficult to have your snacks at their scheduled times. Just be sure to always have your snacks packed in case plans change/flights get delayed/etc.
4. Bring Your Own Food
Before heading out the door, pack things like fruit, nuts, seeds and unopened containers of Grek yogurt and water. You’ll not only be prepared but you’ll save loads of money from the overpriced airport restaurants and/or restaurants/pit stops during a road trip.
5. Personalize Your Meals
If you must eat out, choose places that allow you to “build your own” type of meal where you can pick and choose the ingredients.
6. Speak Up!
Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions of fruit or veggies in place of fries. Most restaurants are very accommodating. Or you can bring some fruit with you as your own side.
7. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Those continental breakfasts usually aren’t nutritionally sound, and honestly who wants eggs that have been left in a heater for hours? It’s super easy to pack ingredients for the Dolce Diet Breakfast Bowl (in Living Lean Cookbook) and use the in-room coffee pot to heat up your water.
8. Wording is Key
Choose options that say “grilled,” “roasted,” “poached,” or “baked.”
