DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Top 3 Calf Exercises

Top 3 Calf Exercises

Most of you know that the calves are one of the hardest muscle groups to build up. And you don’t want to be that guy at the gym with a Thor upper body and Jack Skellington lower body. In order to do so, you need to train them at a high frequency to see any results, which means a couple of lousy sets of 10 calf raises once a week aren’t going to cut it. So try out these exercises to bulk up those calf muscles.


Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise*
Easy enough to perform at the office, on your lunch break, or waiting in line at the grocery store (if your balance is good enough). To start, face a wall and lightly place the tips of your fingers on the wall. Then raise one foot slightly off the ground, and raise up to the ball of your foot on the planted foot, pausing for two seconds, then slowly lower. Perform as many reps as possible to failure on each foot (of course keeping it even so you don’t Hulk out on one side).

TWICE a Week

Single-Leg Hop*
Standing on your left leg, bend your right knee so your right foot is behind you. Hop as high as you can on your left leg.
DISCLAIMER: Be sure to warm up your ankles before performing this movement to avoid injury. Your left knee should bend only enough to cushion your landing (think of your rebound while jumping rope). Perform 10 reps, and then repeat on your right leg.

Elevated Standing Calf Raise*
Stand on a step, box or weight plate with your feet shoulder width apart. Balance yourself on the balls of your feet with your heels hanging off the edge. Lift your heels as high as you can. Pause, then lower your heels as far down as you can. Do as many as you can to failure.
*It’s very important to warm up calf muscles before performing any of the above to avoid a strain, pull or tear.
