Three easy ways to live a little greener

Three easy ways to live a little greener

by Mary Spiegelberg

1: There have been major strides in reducing plastic grocery bags but a major not-so-green part of the shopping experience is still being ignored: the produce and bulk sections. Reduce your waste by buying mesh bags, they are lightweight and perfectly mimic their plastic competition. They can be found online and are very affordable and washable!
2: Ditch the straws!
Did you know in the United States we use around 500 million straws a day, which is enough waste to wrap the earth’s circumference 2.5 times?! Plastic is not biodegradable and often breaks down into small pieces and gets ingested by both land and marine animals and eventually into our food chain.
3) Meatless Mondays!
One hamburger alone uses enough fossil fuel that is needed to drive a small car up to 20 miles. Raising the animals that are used for our consumption expends more than half of all the water in the United States, needing around 2,500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of meat in comparison to only 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat.
mary-spiegelbergFuture dietitian currently pursuing a degree in Dietetics and Food Administration with a minor in Food Science at Cal State Long Beach. Primary field of concentration in Sports Nutrition. Member of UCLA’s Performance Nutrition Team who work to fuel, sustain and improve performance of collegiate athletes. Newport Beach native and proud owner of Hooked Boxing, LLC. Spin, fight and travel enthusiast!