DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 3 Best Total Body Kettlebell Moves

3 Best Total Body Kettlebell Moves

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

kettlebellKettlebells are becoming very popular, especially with the rise of CrossFit. Kettlebells are a great way to combine cardio and strength training, but be sure to get proper instruction from a trained professional before attempting these moves. There is some skill, timing and patience required, but once you’ve mastered the basics, these are great movements to incorporate, especially for whole body conditioning. And start with a lighter kettlebell than you think you can handle, they can be quite deceiving!

Russian Swing

This move typically allows for you to use a heavier kettlebell due to the range of motion, but start with a moderate weight.
• Start with your feet in a squat-width stance.
• Reach down and deadlift the kettlebell, maintaining a strong back, shoulders back and stand.
• To give the kettlebell momentum, slightly swing the kettlebell back between your legs and up.
• A Russian swing should go no higher than your shoulders.
• As you swing, be sure to really squeeze those glutes, as this will also give the kettlebell momentum (it’s ok for the knees to slightly bend as you swing it back between your legs).
• Depending on the weight you use, repeat for 3 sets of 10-20.
*This move differs from the American Swing based on range of motion. The American Swing would take the kettlebell all the way up and overhead with arms locked out. The more proficient you become with the Russian Swing, the more you can start to work up to the American Swing. Remember, you’ll need a lighter weight for the American Swing compared to the Russian Swing.

Goblet Squats

• Start with your feet in a squat-width stance.
• Reach down and deadlift the kettlebell, maintaining a strong back, shoulders back, grabbing the kettlebell by the side of the horns (rather than the top like in the swing) and stand.
• Keeping the kettlebell off the body, squat as you would for an air squat, to the range of motion you are capable of while keeping your chest high. The kettlebell can help improve your squat by acting as a counterweight, really forcing your chest upright.
• Repeat for 3 sets of 15 (you’ll really feel that burn in your quads when you’re done).

Russian Twist

• Start sitting on the ground.
• Reach your legs out in front of you with a slight bend in the knee.
• Grab your kettlebell and touch the floor to your right, then switch and touch the floor to your left.
• To make this more challenging, you can lift your heels from the floor.
• Repeat for 3 sets of 20.

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