DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 3 Moves to Perkier Breasts

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 3 Moves to Perkier Breasts

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

These moves won’t magically give you bigger breasts, but they can help make them firmer and perkier. Remember, size doesn’t matter! It’s all about the presentation. So use these moves to give yourself a surgery-free, natural breast lift!

1. Med Ball Push-Ups

Using a 14-20# medicine ball (purely for weighted stability so it won’t roll out from underneath you), start on your knees with your hands on top of the ball. Fully extend arms and make sure the ball is directly under your chest. Straighten legs and extend both feet behind you in a traditional push-up position (no girl push-ups allowed here!). Bend your arms, and slowly lower your body until your chest touches the top of the med ball, and press back up until arms are full extended again. Repeat for 3-5 sets of 5.

2. Dumbbell Pullovers

Starting on your back on a flat bench, feet flat on the floor, straighten your arms over your chest and hold one dumbbell with both hands. Hold the dumbbell in a vertical position directly over your chin, and lower your arms/dumbbell as far as you can behind you without pain or discomfort. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.

3. Bar Dips

Starting between a pair of dip bars, hands firmly placed on topped of the bars. Press your body upward or jump up until your arms straighten and your body is hanging. To isolate the chest muscles, lean forward slightly to help press you up (there are 2 different ways to dip – with triceps or with the chest, here try to utilize the chest more). Slowly bend your arms and lower your body as far as you can. Pause for a second at the bottom position, then press yourself back up to straight arms (you can use a resistance band looped on the bars and under your feet to give you some assistance).

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1 reply on “DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 3 Moves to Perkier Breasts”

I love when you post workout routines! Something I can look at, and do!
Any tips on improving on “real” push ups? When I started UFC Fit, I could only do 3 girl push ups, I’ve improved significantly, but I still sucks at the real ones.

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