DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 4 Killer Core Moves


4 Killer Core Moves

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Leg Drop
Raise legs upwards and inhale to tighten the abs. Then breathe out and lower the legs slowly. When legs are about to touch the floor, pause and inhale. Exhale again and raise legs to starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Flutter Kicks
Lift both the legs upwards and keep them perpendicular to the floor. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and place both hands just above your butt. Lower one leg until it is a few inches above floor level and bring back up, immediately switch legs and repeat the steps. Repeat for 2 sets of 50 total (each time one leg moves counts as a rep).
Russian Twists
Sit with butt and legs flat on the floor. Grab a reasonable sized kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell by the horns with the bell facing down. Bend knees slightly, or raise off the floor to make it more challenging. Twist your torso to one side and touch the kettlebell to the floor. Now twist to the other side. Repeat for 4 sets of 20.
Hanging Leg Raise/L-Sit
While hanging from a bar, keep hands shoulder-width apart. Flex your buttocks and keep your back straight. Then slowly raise the legs until they become parallel to the floor. Then lower the legs slowly. (For more advanced athletes, hold the leg position parallel to the floor rather than lowering them and/or mix in both movements). Repeat for 3 sets of 5 or for 3 sets of 30 second holds. *You can also try this move at the top of rings or dip bars. You’ll engage the triceps/scapula/traps this way because now you are engaged in a pushing, rather than pulling movement with the arms.

What’s your favorite ab exercise?

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October 8, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 4 Ways to Fight off Anxiety

4 Ways to Fight off Anxiety

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

There are many different levels of meditation. You can sit alone quietly for a few minutes or a few hours. You can also actively work on being aware of your thoughts without changing them (keep it positive). Envision yourself in a positive situation. Everyone is different. Sitting in a field of flowers is not necessarily tranquil for everyone. For others, tranquility may be their favorite theme park or museum. But just envision yourself there, and you should feel an instant calm.
Some of my best workouts come on my worst days. Exercise offers a great physical and chemical release. The brain releases endorphins that provide a calming effect, and sometimes when you’re super tense, slamming down a barbell from overhead just feels good. Regular exercise also promotes better sleep patterns, which will also improve anxiety symptoms.
Get Off Social Media
More and more studies are coming out with results that state that social media actually raises anxiety levels. Recently break up with someone or end a friendship? That obsessive feeling to stalk his/her Facebook and Instagram will only send your anxiety through the roof. Just worry about yourself, and stop trying to impress everyone with what’s going on in your life. Just give yourself small time periods during the day to check social media.
Figure Out Why You’re Stressed
What in your life is going on? Is it work-related? Personal? Relationship-related? Health-related? Whatever it may be, you need to harness your energy and really focus on what is stressing you out. Focus on one thing at a time, and try to calm yourself down one step at a time.


October 7, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: How to Measure Success Beyond The Scale

How to Measure Success Beyond The Scale

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Often times, people get discouraged by what the scale says. Sometimes it goes up, or down, or stays the same. The scale is not necessarily the best measure of success. If you are losing body fat and gaining muscle, you may actually gain weight. Muscle is more dense than fat, so the more of it you have, the more you’ll weigh. This is not a bad thing! So use these measures as indicators of success rather than that pesky number on the scale.
• Clothes fit more loosely – time to go shopping!
• Rings aren’t snug anymore
• Body fat percentage decreases (despite the scale possibly going up)
• People start to make comments about a change they physically see in you
• More endurance/stamina
• Higher energy levels (no mid-day slump)
• Loss of inches on waist/hip/thighs/midsection/arms
• You’re stronger (or can at least perform more sets of a certain weight)
• Your skin looks clearer and more radiant
• Your hair is shinier, thicker and healthier
• Your nails aren’t brittle and don’t break as easily
• Your skin turgor bounces back quickly when pinched
• Your oral hygiene/breath improves
• You don’t experience undue fatigue or drastic dips in blood sugar
• Your posture is better
• Your attitude is better, you’re happier more often and you greet the day with a smile
• Your lab values are within normal (or close to the normal) range
• You’re on lower doses of your medications, or off your medications completely
• You are well-hydrated and don’t feel thirsty all the time


October 6, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 6 Rules For Gym Virgins

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 6 Rules For Gym Virgins

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

New to the gym scene? Follow these courtesies in order to earn respect in the gym not only from others, but for yourself.
1. Don’t Text on a Machine Instead of Actually Using the Machine
The leg press machine is not for a finger workout. The abduction/adduction machines are not for finger workouts. The GHD machine is not for a finger workout. Understand? Nothing is more irritating than watching someone take up a space that you could be using to actually be productive so that they can sit, stationary (learn to multi-task), and text God knows who. Or updating your Facebook status to “Hittin’ it hard at the gym #nopain #nogain #gymlife #nofilter”. NO ONE CARES because if you have time to check-in and update your status, you aren’t working very hard, and we can all tell. It’s obnoxious and rude. If you want to text, go to the locker room and do it. Plus, the more you “check-in” when you first hit the gym, creating a trend for all to see, the more awkward it’ll be when your frequency decreases and we all notice that the gym ship has sailed. You don’t need to post everything you do every minute of the day.
2. Cut It With The Selfies!
Yes, we all love to see progress, and we want to shout to the world that we are making healthy lifestyle choices. But we do not need to see you in a mirror in a different outfit everyday with your head tilted to the side as if saying, “look how healthy and fit I am *giggles*”. Stop wasting space that other people could be utilizing, especially the mirrors by the free weights. People are on tight schedules and the ones who are actually there to work out, and work hard, don’t want you in their way acting like an idiot. There I said it. Save your pics and videos for PRs, because it’s ok to brag every once in a while.
3. Clean Up After Yourself
If you take out equipment like yoga mats, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. put it back. Re-rack your weights, and wipe down anything you touched. It’s just common courtesy and good hygienic practices.
4. If You’re Doing a Group Fitness Class, Show Up on Time
Don’t show up late. Sometimes there is unforeseen traffic or you had to stay late at work. But don’t make showing up late a habit. Especially if you’re doing it to get out of a warm-up. It just shows that you don’t respect the instructor’s or other members’ time. Be courteous and show up on time, ready to work.
5. Be Aware of Your Surroundings, But Don’t Be a Know-It-All
If someone is benching near you, and you notice them struggling to get that last rep re-racked, help him/her out as a spotter. However, do not assume that everyone needs a spotter all the time. Only help out if you are asked to do so. Guys, this especially goes for those of you who think every woman in the gym is some delicate flower who couldn’t possibly get through a set on her own. This also goes for trying to help her clean up. Yes, it seems like it is a polite gesture, but from our perspective, it gives us the feeling that you think we are helpless. Personally, the gym is the last place I feel helpless. If she asks, then by all means, go for it, but never assume.
Yelling-While-Working-Out6. Don’t Obnoxiously Grunt for No Reason
If you are maxing out, or on rep 18 of 20 on heavy back squats, some grunting may happen naturally and involuntarily. But DO NOT grunt to try to show everyone how heavy you are lifting. Grunting louder does not make you stronger, it makes you more annoying. People will stare, and yes you’ll get attention, but not the kind of attention you could get from lifting heavy while eating a slice of humble pie. Don’t be that guy (or girl).

October 5, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 5 Habits To Help Improve Your Life

5 Habits to Help Improve Your Life

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

The Dolce Diet is not simply a platform for healthy eating and exercise. We strive for overall wellness, and that includes mental and emotional states. Changing little things throughout your day and creating healthy habits can make a huge impact on your happiness, which will have a trickle-down effect on all aspects of your life.
1. Manage Your Money
Set weekly budgets for yourself for different tasks. Allot one time in the month for a spending splurge. Keep your finances organized in binders or folders, and create Excel spreadsheets to keep track of the “money in” vs. the “money out.”
2. Be Grateful
Take a little time each day to be thankful for what you have and that you’re still here breathing to achieve your goals. Be sure to thank those around you who are helping you get there. Stay positive.
3. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can cause lethargy and irritation. When we get to this state, we simply don’t want to do anything or interact with anyone. Realize how important your diet is not only for you, but for your interactions with everyone else and your productivity.
4. Prepare Ahead of Time
Whether that means meal prepping, practicing a speech/presentation, getting ahead on the laundry or bills, take some time to maintain your life and keep it in order. You’ll feel instant stress-relief when you’ve checked off the important items on your list.
5. Keep Things Neat and Tidy
Physical clutter is often related to mental clutter. If your head’s a mess, more than likely your office, car and bedroom are also. You can help cleanse your mind by physically cleansing your physical spaces. Keep fragrant candles and air fresheners handy to relax you, and as a reminder to keep it clean.

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October 4, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Why You Shouldn't Skip Leg Day…Ever!

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Leg Day…Ever!

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Guys and girls alike. Do not neglect the foundation of your body! You use your legs every day to do MANY things, so why wouldn’t you want to build them up nice and strong? Be sure to incorporate these exercises to really build up strong legs and rear end (no one boasts about a small, flat butt, just sayin’). Many of our body’s aches and pains come from not having a strong foundation. Here are some exercises to incorporate into your leg day workout routine.
Side-Laying Abduction
Use a resistance band, laying in a side-plank type of position (body fully on floor, arm supporting the head), and raise the top leg until you hit resistance, then return to the top of your other leg. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Barbell Hip Thrust
Pretty self-explanatory. Sit against a bench with your shoulder blades touching it and a barbell in the crease of your hip. Then carefully raise your hips (your shoulders should now transfer to the top of the bench) and pause in a 90 degree angle, then lower. Repeat for 3 sets of 10
Squats (all kinds of squats: back, front, air, overhead, etc.). Only move onto loaded squats if you are proficient in the air squat and can keep an upright torso and weight in your heels.
Hold for 60 seconds, and repeat 3 times.
Bulgarian Squat (Single Leg Bench Squat)
Set up with back at a bench and a barbell on the back rack position. Place the top of one foot on top of the bench behind you. Be sure to readjust your weight appropriately on the foot you’re standing on. Slowly lower and squat on the leg planted on the ground, while maintaining balance with the leg on the bench. This is a funky movement at first, so warm up without any load. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 per side.
Leg Extensions
Enough said.
Romanian Deadlifts
Starting in with the barbell in the standing position, and keeping the back tight and straight, lower the weight down to about mid-shin without bending the leg. Return to standing position. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Good Mornings
Starting with a barbell on the back rack position, keeping the legs as straight as possible, hinge at the hip as far as your range of motion allows (you should feel full activation of the hamstrings at this point). Return to standing and repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Standing Calf Raise
Loaded or unloaded is an option. Be sure to set your toes on some type of small elevation, you’ll get greater activation of these muscles with a higher range of motion rather than just doing it on the flat floor. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Seated Calf Raises
Sit weight just above the knee (barbell or dumbbells work). Again, place toes on some type of elevation and push weight up onto the balls of your feet. Repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Toe Gripping
Using a lacrosse or tennis ball, place your bare foot on top of the ball and grip/clench the ball with the toes, then release. This is more of a mobility exercise, but will still strengthen the calf muscle group. Repeat 5-10 times per foot.
Toe Raises
You can do these bad boys at work at your desk. With a flat foot on the ground, flex the toes upward and return to the flat position. Repeat 5-10 times per foot.

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October 3, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 6 Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running

6 Exercises That Burn More Calories than Running

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Indoor Rowing
This movement engages more muscle groups (arms, legs and back), therefore, on average, you burn about 12.5 calories per minute (size and power output of the athlete will affect your calorie burn). A Concept 2 Rower is one of the most trusted brands to use.
2. Kettlebell Swings
This movement engages the glutes and quads, and then the shoulders as you bring the kettlebell overhead. On average, you’ll burn about 20 calories per minute. Start in a deadlift position with feet outside of the kettlebell, and reach down to pick it up with an upright back. Give yourself a pre-swing between your legs, then aggressively swing back and up until the kettlebell is straight overhead. If you are less proficient with this movement, don’t take the kettlebell up quite as high (shoulder height works well too). Breathe at the top, then control the kettlebell down to swing back through the legs. Repeat for 3 sets of 10. (Onnit Kettlebells are great and have cool designs to boot!)
3. AirDyne Assault Bike
As you pedal harder on the AirDyne Assault Bike, the resistance increases. You can burn up to 87 calories per minute with this movement. Obviously, your intensity determines your calorie burn.
4. Burpees
The average person can burn about 1.5 calories per burpee. Shoot for 10 burpees per minute. According to the ACSM, 10 quick-paced burpees can increase your metabolism as much as a 30-second all-out bike sprint.
5. Tabata Jump Squats
A Tabata is an exercise formula of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 minutes total). The work time should be at a high intensity since it is such a short duration. An Auburn University study exhibited the participant burned an average of 13.4 calories per minute during a tabata of jump squats, and increased their metabolic rate by 30 minutes.
6. Jumping Rope
100-130 skips at a moderate pace will burn about 13 calories per minute. This movement engages more muscle groups and requires more coordination and balance than running.

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October 2, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Quick Tips on How to Build Muscle

Quick Tips on How to Build Muscle

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Building muscle is no easy feat. There are many factors that play a role, including patience. It takes time to build lean, functional muscle. It could take up to a year to put on ten to twenty pounds of lean muscle. But if you’re willing to commit to a proper, consistent training regimen, sleep schedule and diet, then you should get the results you’ve been looking for.


• Train a minimum of 3 times per week
• Be sure to include deadlift, squats (front and back), bench press (dumbbell and barbell) and military press
• Always use proper form (drop the weight down once form deteriorates)
• Be sure to BREATHE on every rep
• Make sure to incorporate eccentric movements
• Change up your muscle groups daily
• Don’t overdo the cardio. Some is necessary, but don’t go catabolic, that’s the exact opposite of what we want.
• Push yourself to the limit you know YOU can handle. It’s YOU vs. YOU


• Eat more and eat often. No more of the traditional 3 meals per day. Strive for 4 to 6.
• Protein: 1.5 to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight per day
• Carbs: 3 grams per pound of bodyweight per day
• Best Foods: eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt
• You must meal prep. It’s the best way to stay on track and you won’t be tempted when you’ve already put in the work to prepare it all.
• Incorporate The Dolce Whey in order to meet your protein needs for the day (you can only eat so much chicken). 50 grams a day from whey protein is just fine.


• You must strive for a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per day (8 or 9 hours would be even better.)

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September 30, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Best Movements to Target Different Muscle Groups

Best Movements to Target Different Muscle Groups

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Love targeted muscle workouts? Here are some exercises to add to your gym routine.
• Military Press
• Dumbbell Front Rise
• Bench Press
• Dumbbell Flys
• Dips
• Chin-Ups
• Barbell and Dumbbell Curls
• Farmer’s Carry
Obliques & Lower Back
• Russian Twists
• Planks
• Medicine Ball V-Ups
• Loaded Squat (Front, Back or Overhead)
• Leg Press
• Leg Extension
• One-Legged Squats
• Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs
• Bent-Over Lateral Raises
• Tricep Dips
• Skull Crushers
Middle Back
• Lat Pull-Downs
• Seated Cable Row
• Kettlebell Swings (American or Russian)
• Stiff-Legged Deadlift
• Romanian Deadlifts
• Facedown Lying Leg Curls
• Good Mornings
• Back Extensions
• Box Jumps
• Calf Raises

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September 29, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Homemade HEALTHY Coffee Creamer

Do It Yourself Homemade Coffee Creamer
(The Healthy Version)

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Choose a Milk
– Coconut Milk
– Almond Milk
Choose a Sweetener
– Stevia
– Raw, Organic Honey
– Organic Maple Syrup
Choose a Flavor
– Vanilla Extract
– Cinnamon
– Nutmeg
– Pumpkin Spice
– Dark Cacao Powder
To 8 ounces of coffee, add the following ratios of whatever you picked:
– 2 – 4 tbsp. milk
– 1 – 2 tbsp. sweetener
– Flavorings to taste

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September 28, 2015