DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: How to Use Your Urine Color to Determine Health

Use Your Urine Color to Help Determine Your Health Status

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Urine can be an excellent indicator of your health status. Anything from the foods you eat, to medications, to laxatives can affect your urine color. Use this quick visual test as a kick-starter to investigating your health. A urinalysis test (this can test for sugar in the urine for diabetes, which won’t affect the color) will give you the most accurate results and ways to treat your condition, but a quick glance at the toilet can tell you a lot.

1. Clear/Transparent

You may be too hydrated. Water intoxication can cause your blood sodium levels to deplete, leading to disorientation and loss of motor function. Water is great, but like all things, in moderation.

2. Pale Yellow/Lemonade-like

You’re optimally hydrated!

3. Transparent Yellow (slightly darker than above)


4. Dark Yellow

Normal, especially in the morning, but get some water in ASAP

5. Amber/Honey/Apple Juice-like
You’re dehydrated. Drink more water!

6. Syrup-color

You could have some liver issue occurring or severe dehydration. See your doctor and keep drinking water.

7. Pinkish

This could occur if you’ve recently eaten beets, blueberries or rhubarb. If not, that means there is probably blood in there. It could be anything from nothing to kidney disease, urinary tract infection, tumors, prostate problems or something worse. Ladies, keep in mind that this will occur during your menstrual cycle, which is totally normal.

8. Orange

This could be from something you ate with food dye, or a liver or bile duct condition in which bilirubin is entering the urine. Contact your doctor ASAP.

9. Blue or Green

Not super common, but could be a sign of a genetic disorder or a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. It could also be from something you ate with food dye in it or from certain medications. Contact a doctor just to double check.

10. Foaming or Fizzing

Typically harmless, but could indicate excessive protein intake or a kidney issue. See a doctor if it happens frequently. Occasional occurrences aren’t usually cause for concern.

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October 25, 2015

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 5 Stretches to Increase Flexibility


5 Stretches to Increase Flexibility

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Forward Hip Hinge

• Lower your hands to the sides and fold forward, keeping your back flat and hinging at the hips
• Drop your hands to the floor. Go to your range of motion for as long as you can keep your back from rounding
• Grab your left elbow with your right hand and vice versa, and inhale and exhale deeply into the stretch
• Let your head hang, completely relaxed
• After a few deep breaths (and before you feel all the blood rush to your head), return your hands to hanging to the floor, and keep your back flat as you return to standing

2. Crescent Moon

• Start with your feet directly beneath your hips, tailbone slightly tucked and belly firm
• Raise your hands overhead and interlock your fingers
• As you exhale, extend your hands to the right, creating a slight half-moon, or crescent, shape with your body
• Let your right hand gently pull your left hand further to the right for some resistance
• Keep both arms extended and your neck relaxed as you breathe in and out evenly and deeply
• Repeat on the other side
*You’re looking to hold about 10-20 seconds per side, and can increase the time as you become more proficient at the movement

3. Halloween Cat

• Start on all fours, with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips
• With a flat back and a neutral neck, inhale and arch your back so that your belly drops toward the floor, and your glutes move up toward the ceiling
• Look up to the ceiling to get a good neck stretch – keep your eyes open as this will allow for a deeper stretch
• As you exhale, reverse the stretch, dropping the head, letting the glutes move downward as your spine curves upward to the sky like a Halloween cat
• Repeat 4 or 5 more times, and work slowly and methodically

4. Floor Hip Twist

• Starting on your back, bring your knees, one at a time, to your chest
• Extend your hands out to the sides, and look to the left
• Inhale, and, as you exhale, let your knees fall gently to one side (if this feels like too much, put a pillow underneath the knees)
• Repeat on the other side
*You’ll want to hold each side for about 30 seconds

5. Chest Opener

• Starting with your feet under your hips, tailbone tucked slightly and abs engaged, interlock your fingers behind you
• Keep your palms close together, and lift your hands away from your body
• If you want to deepen this stretch, fold forward at the hips, letting your clasped hands rise above you

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October 25, 2015

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Top 6 Exercise Myths


Top 6 Exercise Myths

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

Myth #1:

Heart Rate Monitors are a good, accurate indicator of your intensity
The chips can falter easily. It is better to use your own body’s cues. If you can still comfortably talk while you’re exercising, then your intensity is fairly low to moderate. If you can barely form a sentence and are breathing hard, you’re at a high intensity level.

Myth #2:

The calorie counter on the cardio machine is accurate
Calorie burn is dependent on age, sex, intensity level and fitness level. A monitor has no way of taking all of these factors into account. It is a mere estimate of calories burned. Sometimes they can be off by hundreds of calories above or below.

Myth #3:

Low intensity exercise burns more fat
Higher intensity exercise will burn through carbs first, but you’ll also burn more calories. After you’ve used up all your carb reserves, then fat will be utilized.

Myth #4:

Your weight is an indicator of your fitness level
Muscle is more dense than fat, so if you weigh more, and you have a fair amount of muscle, you will likely be more fit than another individual who weighs the same as you, but has a higher body fat percentage.

Myth #5:

As long as you work out, you can eat whatever you want
It’s important to hit all your micros so that you can properly metabolize your macros, which fuel you during your workouts. The quality of the food you eat will affect your performance and weight loss. You will be more likely to hit a PR while eating the Breakfast Bowl and the Skinny Sumo Stir-Fry than you will with donuts and cheeseburgers.

Myth #6:

Cardio should be done in the morning on an empty stomach to burn more fat (fasted cardio)
In a fasted state (typically about 8 hours without eating, sometimes more), your metabolism is at its lowest, which is when it’s most crucial to fuel it. By eating prior to exercise, you’ll be fueled for the duration of your workout, your brain will thank you for delaying fatigue and you’ll be starting up your metabolism for the day.

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October 24, 2015

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 12 Ways to Stay Dedicated to Your Fitness Goals (When You’re Just Starting Out)


Dolce Diet Lifestyle:
12 Ways to Stay Dedicated to Your Fitness Goals (When You’re Just Starting Out)

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Do it in short bursts

Choose a shorter, more intense workout over a longer one where you don’t push yourself quite as hard.

2. Get it out of the way early

Start your day with a workout so you don’t think about it all day and psyche yourself out of doing it.

3. Kill two birds with one stone

Combine your cardio and strength training. Tabatas are great for this type of thing. A Tabata is 20 seconds of (high intensity) work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (or 4 minutes). You can incorporate kettlebell swings, dumbbell curls, skull crushers along with bodyweight movements to kill two birds with one stone.

4. Take advantage of TV time

Use commercial breaks for mini workouts. Again, Tabatas work well here. You can do something simple like push-ups or flutter kicks.

5. Ge out there and socialize

Try joining a group fitness class. You’ll make friends who will hold you accountable for attending.

6. Workout Prep

It’s just like meal prepping. Get all your gear ready the night before so you have no excuses.

7. Multitask While Out and About

Sneak in some exercise while in line at the store. Do some calf raises, or should shrugs with your groceries.

8. Hydrate

More water helps improve your workout performance. Be sure to drink plenty of water all day long.

9. Create a good habit

It takes 21 days to build a habit. Your workouts should start to feel like second nature. Stick to your routine every week, and you’ll start feeling results.

10. Go for 10

Even 10 minutes of movement will get blood flowing to your heart. Even if it won’t magically sculpt your stomach, you’ll at least be improving your heart health. Every bit helps.

11. Stay caffeinated

Sip on coffee or green tea to prevent an afternoon slump. Plus, caffeine has been linked to better workout performance.

12. Sleep it off

Sleep is so crucial to overall health. You need seven to nine hours every night to keep you energized and allow your body to fully recover, both physically and mentally.

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October 23, 2015

Mike Dolce Show – Ep. 121 Fad Diets Exposed

The Mike Dolce Show – A Fitness Podcast
Mike Dolce and Dolce Diet Head Dietitian Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD talk fad diets and more!
Mike Dolce is a 2X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, 2014 NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and 2014 Men’s Fitness Top 30 Game Changer for fitness. As the founder of The Dolce Diet & creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes like Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Gilbert Melendez, Vitor Belfort, Thiago Alves and more!
His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike’s books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit and
Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!



October 23, 2015

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: Top 4 Breakfast Mistakes


Top 4 Breakfast Mistakes

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Skipping Breakfast

Your mindset is that if I skip breakfast, then I skip the additional calories in my day. Big mistake. By skipping breakfast, you deprive your metabolism of revving up and continuing to burn throughout the day. The longer you wait to eat, the harder it will be to get your metabolism going. By “starving” the body temporarily, the body will attempt to compensate and keep your metabolic rates low in order to preserve as much as energy as possible. Then it becomes difficult to wake it up. Try to eat something, even if it’s a scoop of almond butter and half an apple as you’re heading out the door.

2. Going Carb Heavy, Thinking It Will Keep You Fuller for Longer

When we consume carbs by themselves, we allow everything to turn to glucose (as is the fate of all carbs, including sugar), which will cause a sharp spike and even greater dip in blood sugar. We will feel fatigued and run down fairly soon after consumption. Plus if you consume way too many carbs, the excess will be stored as fat after blood cell and glycogen reserves have been met. Instead, pair any carb with a protein and/or fat. Protein and fat slows down the digestion of carbs and allows for leveled blood sugar levels without the crash. One of the easiest ways to add protein into your breakfast is by adding half to a full scoop of The Dolce Whey Protein Isolate to your Breakfast Bowl or the Oats and Berries Smoothie. Fruit should never be eaten alone, so a handful of almonds or 2 tbsp. of almond or peanut butter will do the trick.

3. You Skimp on Produce

Lots of people assume eating clean means egg whites and brown rice. But the veggies can help add bulk, and flavor, to many of your dishes. Vegetables are filled with antioxidants and the vitamins and minerals that are essential for metabolic functioning. Vegetables are mostly considered “free” or “negative” foods because they actually burn more calories while being digested than they provide. So fill up on veggies in your Egg Scramble. Plus the fiber will help you feel fuller for longer.

4. Your Breakfast is Just Too Small

Yes, above I said even if you had to, grab something small. That’s for a rare occasion when you’re pressed for time. Ideally, breakfast should be one of your biggest meals of the day. It’s the kickstarter of the day, and usually the rest of your meal decisions are based on what you had for breakfast. There is a rule that says “eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a Pauper for dinner”. If you eat more during the day, you have more time in the day to digest those meals and burn those calories. At night, it’s easier on the system to have just a bit less, especially if you are planning to get to bed fairly soon after. Our metabolisms just don’t work as quickly or efficiently when we are sleeping. So it is best to fuel up early so that your metabolism is constantly working to burn something.

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October 22, 2015

DOLCE DIET LIFESTYLE: 6 Ways to Keep Eating Healthy

eat real food

6 Ways to Keep Eating Healthy

by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD

1. Keep it Clean

Stick to whole foods, and not food products. A whole food hasn’t been processed or manufactured. It comes from nature. Food products are combinations of foods and chemicals. Keep it as clean as you can. For example, an orange is a whole food. Orange juice is a food product. It has added sugars and other chemicals to increase its shelf-life.

2. Drink Water All Day

Drinking water often times suppresses appetite cues and helps to fill up the stomach. Mix it up with cool water, warm water with lemon, and fruit-infused water. Drinking throughout the day helps maintain hydration and detoxify the body.

3. Breakfast is Key

It’s really important to try to eat within 30-45 minutes of waking. If we fail to do so, we fail to start up our metabolism for the day, so by your next meal, it will already be running slower than it should be. The body won’t naturally rev your metabolism with the presence of food in order to compensate and reserve energy for the “starving” body. You’ve already fasted 6-8 hours, fuel up for the day ahead. Doing so also helps stabilize blood sugars and prevents you from binging at your next meal.

4. Portion Control

Remember that a serving size is different than a portion size. If the serving size is half a cup, and you have 2 cups, you’ve had 4 servings of that food item. Be mindful of your portions and only take what you can consume until satisfied, not full.

5. Graze Healthfully

Snacks are great between meals. If you skip snacks, you’ll feel famished by the time your next meal comes, causing you to binge and overeat. Snack on a handful of almonds and a piece of fruit in between meals, or on a nice little trail mix of cashews and dried cranberries.

6. Eat Until Satisfied, Not Until Full

You need to take your time when you eat in order for your stomach to catch up to your brain. Your brain may not feel satisfied just yet, but give it a few minutes and your stomach will let your brain know that you’re good to go. So don’t eat until you hate yourself, eat until you start to feel satisfied before entering the full stage. Your digestive system will thank you for it about 20 minutes later.

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October 21, 2015

What Ronda Rousey Really Eats In A Day


What Ronda Rousey Really Eats In A Day

​Undefeated UFC bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey doesn’t just mosey into the Octagon and kick some ass. She trains like crazy — usually twice a day — and follows The Dolce Diet, an approach to eating that incorporates whole, nutrient-rich ingredients thought to maintain muscle mass and promote muscle recovery.

“I’m just happy to have a full stomach … It’s not a bad thing to feel full and feel satisfied — you’re supposed to.”​

That said, Ronda’s diet is still pretty regimented: When offered a Starbucks Frappucino — a drink she’s said her 14-year-old self used to buy with prize money she won from fighting random people — she only took a few sips before backing off, blaming her strict fighter diet.

“I don’t count calories at all. I have no idea how many [I ate] today,” Ronda says. “I don’t crave anything. There’s not anything nutritionally missing [from my diet].”

“Even when I’m not in training camp, I have a chia bowl every morning and make a coffee to drink on the way to the gym,” Ronda says.

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October 15, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: How to Lose Weight While You Sleep

How to Lose Weight While You Sleep


The gym and the kitchen are the two of the places where we can lose weight, build muscle and encourage an overall healthy lifestyle. But there is also a third place we can lose weight that may surprise you; in the bedroom.

1) Have a Protein Shake Before Bed

A Florida State University study says having a protein shake before bed may boost your metabolism. Researchers found that people who ate healthy snacks in the evening that included whey protein had a higher resting metabolic rate the next morning than when eating nothing. Also, protein is more thermogenic than carbohydrates or fat, meaning your body burns more calories digesting it.

2) Lower the Thermostat

Some new research from the National Institutes of Health also suggests that sleeping in a cool room could have some calorie-burning health benefits. Healthy men who spent a month sleeping in a cool (but not cold) 66-degree room increased their stores of metabolically active brown fat, says Dr. Francesco Celi, chair of Virginia Commonwealth University’s division of endocrinology and metabolism. “Brown fat” may not sound very desirable, but it actually helps your body burn calories and dispose of excess blood sugar, he explains.

3) Turn Off That Nightlight

Research is emerging that shows exposure to light during the night can impact your body’s internal clock, leading to metabolic changes and weight gain, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Study subjects who slept in the darkest rooms were 21 percent less likely to be obese than those sleeping in the lightest rooms. The study showed that mice that were exposed to dim light during the night gained 50 percent more weight over an eight-week period than mice kept in complete darkness at night. They also had increased levels of glucose intolerance, a marker for pre-diabetes. The weight gain occurred even though the mice were fed the same amount of food and had similar activity levels, and the researchers believe the findings may hold true for humans as well.

4) Eject the Electronics

The more electronics we bring into the bedroom, the fatter we get. In a recent study 64% of parents reported that their child had access to one or more electronic entertainment and communication devices (EECDs) such as video games, computers, and smart phones in their bedroom. The results: “Access to and nighttime use of EECDs were associated with shortened sleep duration, excess body weight, poorer diet quality, and lower physical activity levels in a statistically significant manner.” (Pediatric Obesity journal) Researchers found that students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times as likely to be overweight as kids with no devices in the bedroom. That increased to 2.57 times for kids with three devices. Eject the electronics!


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October 12, 2015

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Weird Health & Fitness Facts You Didn't Know

Weird Health & Fitness Facts You Didn’t Know


Despite the expense, it is thought that 80% of Americans who have a gym membership don’t go to the gym.

To Wear a Smaller Pants Size, You Should Gain Weight
We’re talking muscle weight! If two people both weigh 195 pounds and just one lifts weights, the lifter will more likely fit into a smaller pant size than his sedentary counterpart. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, but muscle takes up less space.

You can’t target fat loss – fat loss is systemic.

Eat more to eat less
You may think gobbling down a 100-calorie snack pack of cookies or pretzels is a good idea, but it’s more likely to make you hungrier than if you ate something more substantial. But eating a small amounts of carbohydrates only spikes your blood sugar and can leave you craving more carbs. Instead, pair some peanut butter with an apple. This snack is higher in calories per serving, but the protein and fat will help you stay full longer and the quality of calories you ingest is higher.

Eating at night does not make you fat – overeating does.

Drink water when you’re bloated
Yes! Water mixes with water soluble fiber which helps keep your gut’s content moving right along, hence reducing bloating.” Also, if you’re dehydrated your body will hold onto any water your body does have, making you bloated. So drink more water!

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Many people hit the gym to hit on other people
We know, shocker! But it’s true… out of 2,000 participants who took part in a study, 50% of them only go the gym to check out the opposite sex or meet with friends. Almost a third of those participants also admitted that they never worked up a sweat at the gym.

The word ‘gymnasium’ comes from the Greek word gymnazein, which means ‘to exercise naked.’


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October 9, 2015