Blog Post

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 4 Tips For A Healthier Office Lifestyle

February 3, 2015

Tips for Staying Healthy at the Office by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD A lot of people who work in an office setting find themselves quite lethargic and sedentary for most of the day. Here are some tips to keep you on track with your health and fitness goals, while increasing productivity at work. That’s […]

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Blog Post

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Natural vs. Artificial Flavors – What's the difference?

February 2, 2015

Artificial vs. Natural Flavors by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD According to the Code of Federal Regulations, a natural flavor is: “the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable […]

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Blog Post

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: 4 Reasons to Give Sugar The Boot

January 30, 2015

4 Reasons to Give Sugar The Boot by Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD It seems that nowadays everything we consume has added sugar. We don’t realize how addicted to sugar we truly are. It is often the culprit for unwanted pounds, lack of energy (although we associate sugar with high energy/hyperactivity), and stomach issues. If […]

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Blog Post

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: Eat Better Food for a Better Mood

January 24, 2015

Eat Better Food for a Better Mood Samantha Coogan, MS, RDN, LD Ever feeling a little off or extra irritable? There are tons of factors that can affect your mood; your job, spouse, kids, friends, family, health and the list goes on. However, there may be a way to at least alleviate some of the […]

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Blog Post

DOLCE LIFESTYLE: High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Changed Its Name

January 21, 2015

High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Changed Its Name In the past, manufacturers have listed high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener in their foods. This left a lot of consumers weary when buying products with this ingredient. However, now manufacturers are simply listing the ingredient as “fructose” on the ingredient list. Fructose is the […]

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